Bigotry: The Dark Danger

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Chapter 3:
The Desired Outcome of The Treaty of Sevres:
Great Kurdistan (1/2)

The Treaty of Sevrès, signed in 1920 and annulled by Ataturk, clearly and officially revealed to the eyes of the Turkish people the greatest desires of the West, which had persisted for as long as the Ottoman Empire had existed. Already having lost the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, the Balkans and Africa, the Ottoman Empire were now ordered to deliver the Aegean coast and to provide land for Armenia in the northeast and for Kurdistan in the southeast. Although it was shelved when the Turkish Parliament refused to recognize the Treaty of Sevres, the desire in it, to see the establishment of Kurdistan, never came to an end. That is because Mesopotamia was at the heart of prophecies and absolutely had to be brought under control.

As is known, Mesopotamia includes the southeast of Turkey, the southwest of Iran and parts of Iraq and Syria. One important feature of this region is that it has a substantial ethnic Kurdish population. Therefore, the current - and also the retroactive - aim of some of the Evangelical Christians and their political supporters has been to be able to build a new Kurdish state in the area by breaking up the powerful states in the region, namely Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. According to them, this new state needed to have two characteristics; it had to be an unconditional ally of the USA and Europe and it had to be a puppet state that fulfills all the desires of the USA and Europe.

This puppet state will provide a highly important strategic area for the West in the Middle East, represent an ideal strategic area to set up bases and constitute the appropriate environment, facilities and place for the awaited War of Armageddon.

Therefore, the Great Kurdistan project is one that has been officially in action since the time of the Treaty of Sevres. It targets four countries with Kurdish populations. This aim within the plan of destabilization has been achieved in the cases of Iraq and Syria. There is an autonomous Kurdish area in Iraq and a Kurdish settlement area consisting of several cantons in Syria. At the present time, the worsening turmoil in Iraq has led to talk of the Autonomous Kurdish Administration “declaring independence”. As a matter of fact, the Iraqi Constitution is well suited to that. If the local population gives approval, the autonomous administration can break away as an autonomous state.

The desired progress also seems to have been made in terms of the Kurds in Syria, the second stage of the plan. The Kurdish administration divided into cantons here frequently declares autonomy. As a result of finding no respondent due to the civil war in Syria, it always returns to the existing system. However, there is one very noteworthy element in this stage; the extreme sensitivity of Western countries regarding the Kurdish area in Syria. This will be looked at a little bit further on.

As we have previously stated, Iran and Turkey, the third and fourth stages of the plan, represent an important problem due to their being stable countries. This intricate plan is therefore still proceeding on the basis of bringing these two countries to heel. The basic element of the objective here, and that we need to discuss in the context of Turkey, is the PKK. That is because the Marxist-Leninist, anarchist communist PKK that has for years been on the list of terrorist organizations in U.S. and Europe, is trying to cozy up to the West to break Turkey apart. Meanwhile, some Western deep state services are turning a blind eye to the danger of the PKK in order to split Turkey apart. We are therefore looking at a dangerous environment in which the PKK is using the West, and the West is using the PKK.

The West is using the PKK while the PKK is using the West

The PKK, a Stalinist, communist terror organization, is based in the Qandil Mountains on the Iraqi and Iranian border. It hides out and perpetrates cowardly attacks from behind.

Someone getting to know the PKK from articles in the daily papers today will easily regard the PKK, a communist terror organization, as Kurdish fighters that the West should be supporting because that is how the international mainstream media portray the PKK, especially of late.

The reason for that is that a sphere of mutual interests has been born. The communist PKK which has been striving to break away the southeast of Turkey for the last 40 years and Western deep state apparatuses also trying to break the region away have come together around common values. Adopting a new guise, the PKK is making cunning efforts to overcome the “communism” factor, the West’s chief objection. Treacherous communist terrorists have donned a new mask and now appear as democratic Kurdish fighters struggling for an identity and their rights. This has served the West’s interests, and it now regards the PKK as a good tool for achieving its own ends, all the while failing to realize the kind of rod it is making for its own back.

It is a necessity for us to explain that scourge; the PKK is not a group ofheroes fighting for their Kurdish identity, but a bloody Leninist terror organization wearing an imperialist mask that STILL seeks to spread communism and that cares nothing about the Kurdish people or a Kurdish identity. It is very important to differentiate between the Kurds living in the region and the terrorists of the PKK.

The PKK’s imperialist mask needs to be exposed in order to show one part of the West that considers entering into an alliance with the PKK the kind of scourge they are dealing with. If the Western powers in question still believe in their ideology based on fighting communism, we have some bad news for them. They are in an alliance with bloody communists!

Why was the PKK founded?

The PKK movement began in the universities as a student movement and adopted the name of “Apoists” in 1977, then abandoned that name, and that of the “Kurdish Revolutionaries” and replaced that moniker with that of the National Liberation Army. In time, most of the leftist groups started to establish links with this organization because the basic ideology of the organization is based on Marxism-Leninism. These statements by Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the group at that time, may be regarded as the PKK’s first founding declaration:

On 20th August 1987, members of the PKK attacked the home of Şehmus Arık in the Bahçe arable field of Dargeçit district of Mardin with Kalashnikovs. They killed three children, two of them girls. The 4-month-old Hamza was asleep in his cradle when the bullets struck.

We will investigate and examine Marxism and Leninism in the classic sense. We will perform a general analysis of the world, the Middle East and Turkey guided by these ideologies. On the basis of that perspective, East and Southeast Anatolia (North Kurdistan) are in the position of a colony. Turkey is a colonialist state. Moreover, the other parts of Kurdistan, are also under colonial rule of Iran, Iraq and Syria. 8

Other written documents setting out the PKK’s goals are the Path of the Kurdistan Revolution (Manifesto) published in 1978 and Party Program. The PKK’s objective is summarized as follows in the Party Program, or rather the Draft drawn up by Öcalan:

Kurdistan is divided into four by four colonialist states, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The largest part is Turkish Kurdistan. Semi-feudal relations apply here. Turkish Kurdistan will be in the vanguard of the revolution. The characteristic of this revolution is a democratic revolution of the nation. The minimum objective is to build an independent, democratic and united Kurdistan by overthrowing colonialism. The maximum objective is to establish a state founded on Marxist-Leninist principles. The proletariat is the force that will lead the revolution. The basic force in the revolution is the peasant. The basic alliance is the one between the peasant, the worker and the intellectual. 9

The Statutes, published at the same time, set out the basic character of the party to be set up to realize the objectives described in the program. The entire ideology of the organization, which describes itself as Marxist-Leninist in the Manifesto, the Program and the Statutes is built on the concepts of “force and colonialism”. Accordingly, the utmost revolutionary violence must be employed against the colonialist powers and those colonialist powers must be compelled to recognize the organization. 10 Engels’ “Theory of Force” was taken as a basis and the statements by Marx and Engels to the effect that violence must not be neglected on the road to proletarian rule were regarded as their guide.

Abdullah Öcalan also adopted those views and suggested the indispensability of violence, setting these views out as follows in his book The Role of Force in Kurdistan:

…By implementing the guerilla war with the active war, we will try to destroy the military superiority of our enemy and make them withdraw even more and increase the speed of the development of the revolution in Turkey. In this tragic phase of equilibrium, if the guerilla war and the active war going on in Kurdistan is supported by a developed revolutionary war in Turkey as well and if a proletariat and civil uprising come up in Turkey including major cities, this rebellion could be extended until Kurdistan and the bourgeois army could be dissolved with the civil uprising in Turkey and Kurdistan, and thus the political superiority of the revolution could be turned into military superiority, the rule of the bourgeois could be overthrown and the revolution could thus be brought to victory… 11

The treacherous nature of the PKK is based on cowardly attacks from behind and other guerrilla warfare tactics. Communist guerrilla tactics have represented its main method ever since the PKK’s founding manifesto.

Öcalan, wishing to see a “dictatorship of the proletariat” against the “bourgeoisie”, and stating that this is only possible through “revolution” and “terror”, describes the ideals of Marx and the policies of Lenin. Lenin describes his ideal revolution as follows:

A bourgeois revolution is absolutely necessary in the interests of the proletariat. The more complete, determined, and consistent the bourgeois revolution, the more assured will the proletariat’s struggle be against the bourgeoisie and for socialism… As the French say, “to change the rifle from one shoulder to the other”, i.e., to turn against the bourgeoisie the weapon the bourgeois revolution will supply them with, the liberty the revolution will bring...12

Öcalan, who formulated his own philosophy in the light of these ideas, has never concealed his Marxist approach or the mindset by which he describes himself as the Lenin of this century:

...Of course later on, the Marxism and Leninism will be preferred. The ABC of Socialism (Leo Huberman) was the first classic that I have taken into my hands. I put it under my pillow when I read it and said that is it. I believe my preference for Socialism became definite in 1969.13

Lenin represented it in the 1900s, and I represent the 21st-century socialism, and I am building the new socialism by fighting real socialism and imperialism.14

Öcalan describes how the PKK was constructed on the Marxist-Leninist tradition and will continue along those same principles in the future:

The PKK has experienced a development in line with the Marxist-Leninist tradition. It is clear that from then on it will take shape on the basis of that legacy, which is inseparable in the way that flesh is joined to bone.15

In an address on May 1st, 1982, he said:

Öcalan, 1 Mayıs 1982 yılında yaptığı konuşmasında ise şunları söylemiştir:

Yet we should be well aware of the fact that if the history of Kurdistan desires to keep up with the times, it has to be founded completely on the fact of the working class. No matter what unsuitable conditions it may live under, IT MUST BE BASED on the objective force of the working class, and ON MARXISM-LENINISM, its science and guide to action; AND NOTE THAT THE REASON FOR OUR EXISTENCE IS TOTALLY GROUNDED IN THAT FACT... If those tribal walls, those feudal fences had not been breached, MARXISM-LENINISM, THE MODERN AND THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY WAY OF THINKING would never have entered our heads.

Öcalan himself states that the PKK is a Marxist-Leninist organization. That ideology remains unchanged today.


The first flag used by the PKK was a red communist one with the symbols of the hammer and sickle. Party congresses were held under posters of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. The flag and slogans have today been changed with the adoption of an imperialist mask. The mentality, however, is exactly the same.


In order to see how the terror organization is a communist one we also need to look at the Darwinist and communist expressions in the PKK manifesto on its official web site:

Communality is a form of being of the human species. The process of the human species evolving into a human beings after its breaking away from its animal-like ancestors and the level of its communality go hand in hand. There is no individual life other than communal life.

Dialectical dualities, the language of the universal system, flow by becoming richer or poorer in societal change and development. Source:

Abdullah Öcalan, the leader of the PKK terror organization, openly espoused Leninist, communist views until the 1990s. Red communist flags and posters of Lenin, Marx and Engels were prominent at party congresses held before the ‘90s. The change of identity in the form of a transition to imperialism after the ‘90s is entirely deceptive. This change, carried out in order to curry favor with the U.S., is intended to attract U.S. support only until the establishment of an independent state. The state to be set up with U.S. backing will be a communist one aiming to rule the entire world. The U.S. is unaware that it is supporting the aim of a communist state.


The imperialist mask used by the PKK today has deceived many people both in the West and in Turkey. The fact is, however, that the PKK has renounced none of its ideology and objectives. It is still determined to seize land from Turkey, to entirely eliminate the Turkish state, which it regards as colonialist, and to establish a state in those lands instead. Indeed, the PKK returned to its cowardly attacks at the first available opportunity, initiated bloody terror attacks as required by its communist ideology, and shown its true face by immediately altering the impression it gave of being a ‘dove of peace’. It is essential that the West immediately realize the scale of this deception and see the kind of nightmare that the PKK could inflict, not just on Turkey and the Middle east, but on the whole world.


Although the PKK has donned an imperialist mask, the initial training given to young people in the caves is still Darwinist and Marxist-Leninist education. The method employed is based on Marxist propaganda at every available opportunity. No activity is currently taking place against the ideology of the PKK in Turkey, and no young generation capable of responding scientifically to false Darwinist and Marxist ideology is being produced. Because as in the rest of the world, Darwinism is also taught in Turkish schools, and the basic ideology of the PKK appears on the curriculum just as if it were true fact. That being the case it is impossible for an educational mobilization, the most important factor in demolishing the foundations of the PKK, to take place. As the ideology of the PKK grows ever stronger, no activity that might stop it is taking place.

When PKK militants join the organization the first thing that happens is that they are given philosophical and ideological instruction. This ideological training is the foundation of the PKK. Once such instruction has been given, the result is generations of people who regard human beings as a kind of animal, who think that there is no point to existence, who believe killing as necessary for survival and who regard conflict as a necessity. PKK thus became capable of anything for the sake of the ideology that gives meaning to their existence. The only solution to terror lies in showing that Darwinism, the basis of Marxism, is a fraud. A terrorist who sees that he believes in a false religion will lose all his faith, fervor and false aims.


To the side can be seen an award given by the South African Communist Party to the leader of the separatist terror organization, Abdullah Öcalan. In giving him the award, the general-secretary of the South African Communist Party, Blade Nzimande, praised Öcalan for his terrorist campaign against imperialism and colonialism, and described him as a beacon of the communist and socialist movement.

As this shows, the communist movement draws support from communists all over the world. Since the movement in Southeast Turkey is a communist one, and since it perpetrates terror in its most ferocious form as a requirement of that communism, it enjoys constant support from communist countries and groupings until their dream of a communist world state is achieved.

These explicit statements by Öcalan and the information in the organization’s Manifesto, Program and Statutes show that the ultimate aim of the PKK is to establish a Kurdistan founded on Marxist-Leninist principles. Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria, which comprise that region, are described as “colonialist” states, and the PKK settled on a colonialist approach in order to justify its aims. Members of the organization adopt working class movements in capitalist countries as their role models and regard those who bring such movements about as their allies. Their aims are to bring about a “classless” society in an area established under the name of “Socialist Kurdistan” and a communal system. Their manifestos contain calls to arms for that purpose.

Violence is the basic tactic of Marxism and Leninism. Communist states, communist practices and posters and manifestos prepared to that end all point to violence. The PKK also seeks to achieve all its aims in Turkey and the Southeast by means of violence.

One of the most important requirements of this objective is without doubt the desire to oppose all imperialist powers. For that reason, the policies and even the very existence of America and the pro-American West are opposed. The Manifesto essentially focuses on the aim of annihilating the American imperialist mindset. As required by Marxist thinking, the Marxist PKK therefore fiercely opposes the USA and all those it regards as imperialist forces.

Since the communist mindset wishes to oppose all imperialist forces, it opposes all the policies of the US and the pro-US West, and even their very existence. The way the U.S. flag is targeted on communist posters is a manifestation of this ideal

The part of the PKK program titled “The Duties of the Kurdistan Revolution” speaks of the need to rejects any proposals for a solution (including regional autonomy) that may be forthcoming from the Republic of Turkey, which is described as “colonialist”. The aim behind that rejection stems from the idea of the necessity to break up the Republic of Turkey.

The basic aim of the PKK is to achieve political and military power by establishing a communist state on Turkish soil and to build a dictatorship of the proletariat through intense oppression of the Kurdish people. This is not our claim, but an ultimate objective in the founding manifesto of the PKK.

The Manifesto sets out the objective of establishing military and police control over some parts of Southeast Turkey, by forcing the Turkish security forces to pull out of rural areas and to withdraw from the Turkish-Iraqi border, in order to be able to build a communist Kurdistan. Once liberated rebel areas have been established, attacks in cities and the spreading of disorder and uprisings throughout the region will be set in motion. The PKK's existing armed forces will be turned into a conventional army, whose aim will be to defeat the Turkish Army. As a result of all this, it expresses the expectation that the Turkish Army will ultimately feel compelled to abandon the territories described as “Kurdistan”. 16

Our reason for citing these details in the PKK Manifesto is to reveal that the PKK is a Marxist-Leninist organization whose aim is to wage war against all imperialist or capitalist countries, states and systems. The PKK is intent on establishing a communist state by “tearing apart” Turkey and neighboring countries with Kurdish populations. That is why it was founded and it has never to this day deviated from that aim.

As the world has changed, and borders in the Middle East have become more sensitive and the balances of power have altered, the PKK has, over the years, felt the need to adopt an imperialist guise. There are many reasons for this and we will be looking at these in subsequent chapters. The point needing to be emphasized here is the PKK’s Marxist appearance at the time it was founded and to prevent it being deceptive for many countries and intellectuals with its current imperialist mask. Beneath the PKK’s present guise lies a Marxist-Leninist terror organization intent on building a communist world state.

The PKK’s imperialist mask

Question: Why should the West, which is unhappy with Saddam, wish to see Turkey grow stronger?

Öcalan: However, this will also create a Kurdish autonomy. That will weaken Turkey, will know how to weaken her.

Question: Do you mean that Kurdish autonomy will also restrain Turkey?

Öcalan: This pro-Western Kurdish autonomous region will restrain Turkey for the West. It will retrain the Arabs and Iran. From that point of view, I think the West will delight in Kurdish autonomy. They will spread this region out toward Turkey and Iran. That is what the West wants, of course. 17

These words, taken from an interview PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan gave to Rafet Ballı in 1991, are quite sufficient to reveal the heart of the matter. Some forces in the West long to see Kurdish autonomy in Turkey. The goal here, just as Öcalan says, is to restrain Turkey, the Arabs and Iran. A Kurdish region extending to Turkey and Iran is just what the forces in question in the West want to see. That is highly compatible with the interests of the deep state services discussed in detail above.

The plan in question was actually discovered by Öcalan in the early 1990s. Those were years when the PKK suffered severe losses in Turkey, when the organization suffered a veritable hemorrhaging of manpower, lost a vast number of supporters and was unable to muster new recruits. According to their own statements, the actions they perpetrated as a Marxist-Leninist organization to a large extent came back to haunt and seriously weaken them.

That same period was also when the Gulf War began, when a safe zone was established to the north of the 36th Parallel as a result of that war and when Iraqi Kurds were placed under protection. Losing strength, the PKK went towards a major tactical policy of change based on regarding the protection of the Kurds by the coalition forces as a sign of a future autonomous Kurdish region in Iraq. So wide-ranging was that change that the PKK adopted a mask that gave no indication of its Leninist heart, hid its true face under a mask of imperialism and declared itself to be the most fervent ally of the entire West, and particularly the USA. So much so that the PKK, whose ultimate aim is the destruction of capitalism, and the USA at its head, has changed everything, from its own flag to its language in order to enjoy U.S. protection.

A shelter for the PKK: North of the 36th Parallel

When the number of Kurdish refugees fleeing from Iraq in the immediate wake of the Gulf War reached alarming levels, a safe zone was set up on the Turkish-Iraqi border. In April 1991, the U.S. government warned Iraq not to engage in any activity by land or air in the north of the 36th Parallel, where the Kurds were. The area north of the 36th Parallel being closed to Iraqi planes, a multinational force known as the Combined Task Force being installed in the region and subsequent developments led to the emergence of a de facto Kurdish administration in northern Iraq. In July 1991, a Poised Hammer Force consisting of 77 planes and helicopters and 1,862 military personnel from countries such as Turkey, the U.S., Great Britain and France was installed inside the Turkish border for the protection of the no-fly zone set up for the Kurds. The presence of the Hammer Force guaranteed special protection for this Kurdish zone.

The Hammer Force based in Turkey’s İncirlik Base in the immediate wake of the 1991 Iraq War. The picture shows foreign troops. Inset is an aerial view.

This period represented the start of an enforced change of tactics on the part of the PKK, which had suffered serious losses and casualties. The north of the 36th Parallel, included in the no-fly zone and under U.S. control, represented a golden opportunity for the PKK. In this way, the PKK acquired an area in which it could be accommodated, strengthened and even trained. However, in order to be able to make use of these opportunities, it needed to do something to curry favor with the anti-communist U.S. It became essential for it to adopt a pro-American guise and to make it forgotten that it had committed terror in the name of communism. If it could succeed in that, it would enjoy the support of a superpower. And by a strange coincidence some circles in the U.S. were working, just like them, to establish a Great Kurdistan in Turkey.

For these reasons, the PKK changed its language, tactics and flag. From being a supporter of Russia and China, it suddenly became pro-American. It adopted a deceptive imperialist mask. This in fact served the interests of the American deep state apparatus, which was actually well aware of the reality of the PKK. That deep state apparatus wanted to believe in that imperialist mask. It saw nothing wrong in using the PKK to establish a Kurdish state in the region.

From being a supporter of Russia and China, the PKK suddenly became a supporter of the U.S. and falsely adopted an imperialist mask.

These words by Öcalan, intended to curry favor with the U.S., which he had always regarded as imperialist, clearly reveal the dimensions of that mask:

This nation that was deemed forgettable and deniable by Islam, will take side mainly with Christians and Jews during Armageddon against all sectarian formations.18

The tactic was a familiar one; Öcalan criticized Islam to curry favor with the U.S., denies the presence of Kurdish people living by Islam and appears to support Christian and Jewish belief, as if he had the slightest faith or respect for any religious belief. Particularly noteworthy was his cunning emphasis on Armageddon, which Christian Evangelicals were expecting to see in Mesopotamia. In fact, this tactic is being applied by the PKK now. The PKK obtains support and aid from Western countries and then uses arms against Muslims in the bloody fighting going on in the Middle East today.

This impression was an exceptionally deceptive one. Indeed, 70 PKK camps suddenly sprung up north of the 36th Parallel, breaking away with a special administration.19 The researcher Jay Walker set out his observations in the PKK camps in a piece titled "Kurdish uprising in Turkey"; "… I have seen 20 PKK training camps by the border. In these camps, they were eating French cheese and drinking American cacao and coffee." 20

During this time, the PKK was reinforced especially against Iran, which the U.S. perceived as a major threat. The no-fly zone in question literally served as the PKK’s private territory, in which the terror organization, previously on the brink of collapse, could re-arm, train and pull itself together.

The PKK grew stronger in the wake of the Hammer Force and returned to its terrorist actions, having rearmed, on Turkish soil. Twenty PKK camps suddenly appeared to the north of the 36th parallel, and by means of a purely superficial change of tactics they received backing from the U.S. and the coalition.

As a result, immediately after the establishment of the Poised Hammer Force, the PKK returned stronger and re-armed for its acts of terror in Turkish territory. As a matter of fact, the 1990s in particular were when the PKK committed the most attacks and bloodshed in Turkey.

Let me make it clear that we have no objections to the Kurds setting up their own state. There is already an autonomous Kurdish state in the north of Iraq, and Turkey has excellent relations with it. Head of state Masoud Barzani and Prime Minister Nechervan Barzani are both sincere and devout leaders. Of course we would always wish to see countries’ territorial integrity maintained, but if an independent Kurdistan is to be founded under Barzani’s leadership in northern Iraq as a result of the current turmoil in that country, then of course we will support it. However, it is essential that the threat of the PKK be eliminated from the region first, and that the threat be lifted from the Barzani family in particular.

Our objection is not to the establishment of a Kurdish state, but lies in these two very important points;

1.) covetous eyes being cast on Turkish territory and

2.) the desire to realize the dream of a state of Kurdistan by means of the PKK.

Turkey is a single whole together with the Kurds. Kurds and Turks have lived together in these lands for a thousand years, and are brothers. No Kurd in Turkey has any intention of breaking away from his motherland. Neither have the Turks any intention of abandoning the Kurds. Our Kurdish brothers need not be alarmed; we are well aware that the Ergenekon terror organization that infiltrated the Turkish state, and whose members are currently on trial, for years adopted a discriminatory and repressive policy toward the Kurds. This is discussed in detail in subsequent chapters, and the steps needing to be taken by the Turkish government and nation are also set out.

The Kurds are a source of pride and honor for us. They are a symbol of well-manners, honesty, respect, and love. Communist traitors will never drive a wedge between the Kurds and us.

However, it should be known that it would be a grave error to blame all of Turkey for the actions of the Ergenekon terror organization. Division is something that the PKK terror organization has been talking about since the very beginning. This terror organization has absolutely nothing to do with Kurdish nationalism. On the contrary, this terror organization has always oppressed the Kurds. The idea that there is an ethnic Kurdish group in the Southeast of Turkey that wishes to break away from the country is therefore a total falsehood. It is true that the Kurds generally live in the Southeast of Turkey but there are also Kurds everywhere else in Turkey. There are also Zaza, Turkmen, Arab, Assyrian and Armenian populations in the Southeast. Turkey is therefore an integral whole with different populations all over it, and in which all its peoples are interconnected. Kurdish separatism has always been brought up by the Ergenekon and PKK criminal organizations. It appeared in the minds of mentally ill people engaged in racism. There has never been any distinction between Turks and Kurds in daily life; we would never allow it. Kurds constitute some of the jewels in the crown of Anatolia. They are important symbols of such values as friendship, honesty, spirituality, self-sacrifice and loyalty. The mindset that seeks to break our Kurdish brothers away from us will never succeed, and will always eventually end in disappointment.

Turkey will therefore never be part of the Great Kurdistan dream planned by the American deep state. The greatest mistake made by the American deep state and those of the European countries that support it is to imagine that their dream of Kurdistan can be made a reality by means of the PKK. That is a mistake because the PKK is still a Marxist organization, maybe more so than ever before. Its adoption of an imperialist mask is a cunning tactic employed by all notorious communists of the past.

The sinister days in Turkey when people were oppressed because of their ethnicity, religion or beliefs have now come to an end. Of course, we are aware of the sufferings that occurred in the past, but the time has now come for all our people to live in freedom, democracy and happiness. No force that seeks to prevent this will ever succeed.



8. Kürşad Berkkan – Cenk Eğilmezbilek, Başkan Öcalan "PKK ile mücadeleden müzakereye" (President Öcalan "From fighting the PKK to negotiation), Istanbul, 2013, p. 37

9. Altemur Kılıç, Büyük Kürdistan Büyük İsrail, (Great Kurdistan Great Israel), Buğra Yayıncılık, Istanbul, p. 181

10. Cemal Temizöz, Siyasallaşan PKK Terörü (The Politicization of PKK Terror), Togan Yayıncılık, Bakırköy, February 2012, p. 81

11. Ibid., p. 82

12. Viladimir I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 9, June-November 1905

13. Burhan Semiz, PKK ve KCK'nın Din Stratejisi (The Religious Strategy of the PKK and KCK), p. 98

14. Özgür Yaşamla Diyaloglar (Dialogues with the Free Life), p. 201

15. Kürdistan'da Halk Kahramanlığı (Popular Heroism in Kurdistan), Istanbul, March 2004, p. 78

16. Elif Çalışkan Polat, PKK Terör Örgütüne Dış Destek (Foreign Support for the PKK Terror Organization), Çatı Kitapları, 2013, p. 34

17. Bartu Soral, Paralel Kürdistan Kumpası (The Parallel Kurdistan Stratagem), p. 65 (Rafet Ballı – The Kurd File)

18. Burhan Semiz, PKK ve KCK'nın Din Stratejisi (The Religious Strategy of the PKK and KCK), p. 210

19. Cevdet Saral, Terörün Gizli Efendileri (The Secret Lords of Terror), Kripto Yayınları, Ankara, 2012, p. 265

20. Ibid., p. 266


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