Bigotry: The Dark Danger

The ozone layer


The word "ozone" is written and read in just about the same way in Arabic, Turkish and other foreign languages.  The letters that comprise the word ozone appear side by side in verse 6 of Surat al-Jinn. Moreover, the verses that follow refer to the “protective” nature of the sky:

We tried, as usual, to travel to heaven in search of news but found it filled with fierce guards and meteors. (Surat al-Jinn, 8)

The “guards” in the sky is highly compatible with the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Because it is the protective layer in the sky, keeping harmful rays away from the Earth.

The appearance side by side of the letters that comprise the world ozone, and in the above verse that refers to the “protective” nature of the sky, cannot be explained by chance. This is a miracle created in the Qur’an by our Lord.

2010-07-03 01:04:34

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