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As known, the theory of evolution claims that a changing environment and conditions leads to the emergence of new species. However, if those claims were true, new organs and systems should have appeared in the body to support those imaginary evolutionary claims of transformation . The story of evolution is at odds with the history of life and  fossils show that species did not evolve from one another, but instead came into existence suddenly, in their perfect forms and independently of each other. Nevertheless, the advocates of this fairy tale of evolution continues to promote their unfounded claims. 

One  such story is about an incident where a group of lizards left on a deserted island  supposedly went through remarkable evolutionary changes. Let's take a detailed look at this claim.

In 1971, five adult pairs of Italian wall lizards were moved from an island in the Adriatic Sea  to a neighboring island (Pod Mrcaru). When they were examined 36 years later, their numbers were found to have reached in the thousands and their bodies were observed to have grown larger in every aspect. Their heads were now longer, larger and taller and their gut had grown new structures called "cecal valves". So, where are the brand new organs that the evolutionary claims entail?

There are no new extremities or organs that evolutionists were looking forward to find. There are only wall lizards that had been eating well for the last 30 generations, which, in turn, allowed them to simply become more well-fed compared to their ancestors. Besides, the researchers themselves admit to the fact that genetic analyses confirmed these lizards to be identical to their ancestors.

So is the cecal valve, which is claimed to be a wholly new structure, truly a brand new organ? Actually, a cecal valve is a valve that is already known to be in the intestines of 1% of all lizard species. It cannot be defined as a brand new organ or structure. When these lizards were forced to eat only plants , this silent genetic trait became predominant. In genetics, this is known as the gene regulation, where certain genes are activated when the need arises.

According to the modern area of research called epigenetics, phenotypes can change while genotypes remain unchanged. Thus, changes occur in some physical and physiological attributes without the addition to, or removal of, any genetic information from the DNA. The variations potential within the same species also needs to be examined in this context.

The evolutionist remarks made solely based on external traits are debunked by genetics. Evolutionist biases do not simply fail to reshape science, they are torn down by science itself.







http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/276056/the-faulty-claim-that-islandshttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/276056/the-faulty-claim-that-islandsMon, 09 Jul 2018 23:50:04 +0300
Where is the Pre-Cambrian Rabbit?Some evolutionists say that they will consider evolution refuted if they are shown a rabbit fossil from the Pre-Cambrian period. So, they call the creationists to present such a rabbit fossil. In that case, is it possible to find this fossil? What does finding or being unable to find it say in terms of creation? Does the fact that rabbits did not exist during the Pre-Cambrian period offer a proof for evolution?

The Imaginary Pre-Cambrian Rabbit

Such a fossil is a metaphor first introduced by the well-known 19th century British evolutionist J.B.S. Haldane. Haldane argued that the discovery of a rabbit fossil in the Pre-Cambrian layers would be enough to destroy his belief in evolution and called on the creationists to present the said fossil unearthed from the layers dating back to the Pre-Cambrian period. Today, some evolutionists like Richard Dawkins are rehashing this symbolic claim. According to the evolutionists, a "modern" life form, as they call it, such as rabbit cannot be found in a period dominated by so-called "primitive" creatures. If such a rabbit fossil is to be found, the evolutionary process that is claimed to follow a path from primitive to sophisticated will be refuted and evolutionists will renounce their belief in evolution.

Preparing Earth for Life

First of all, paleontology unveils the history of life on earth that spans millions of years. This process begins 3.6 billion years ago with the emergence of the first living organisms called algae (stromatolites). These life forms capable of photosynthesis, an ability that cannot be imitated by even the most advanced modern laboratories, were not primitive at all and initially, they filled oceans with oxygen.

And the emergence of marine life with all its diversity over a geologically brief period of time is called "the Cambrian Explosion", which occurred 540 million years ago from today.  Some 100 phyla, in other words diverse body plans and forms, known throughout history, appeared en masse in this period at the very beginning of the history of life. The fact that the number of phyla that are alive today is fewer in numbers and that only 50 phyla remains is in sharp contrast with evolution, clearly indicating that diversity did not follow a path from primitive to sophisticated at all.

According to the latest data and analyses, the complex plant life on land similarly began approximately 500 mn years ago with the Cambrian period.[1] Our atmosphere became habitable after it had been filled with oxygen, which was made possible due to the photosynthesis by land plants, algae in particular.

Land life forms, on the other hand, appear only later as shown by the current fossil record. Although it may appear as a sequence, the formation of a habitable environment is a must. Without a breathable atmosphere, life would never thrive on land.

The data indicates that Cambrian was a period where atmosphere was being prepared to become habitable for land life forms. It is quite obvious that land animals could not come to life during the Cambrian period during which our atmosphere was made breathable. Since the inhabitable conditions had not been ready yet, it is clearly impossible to come across the fossil of a land mammal like rabbit during this period.

Complex Life Forms Existed at the Very Beginning of the History of Life

It is imperative that we lay emphasis on evolutionists' primary claim here. The said claim is the presupposition that a process from primitive to sophisticated took place, which has already been debunked with the Cambrian period life forms.

With its double-lensed compound eyes, the trilobite, one of the Cambrian period life forms, has a far more complex eye structure than modern life forms. Complex systems such as digestion, circulation and gills of many life forms were already in their most complex and advanced forms in this period that they first emerged.

Life Forms Did Not Change or Evolve

Some 800 million fossils that were entered, dated and classified in the fossil record have maintained the same symmetrical, intact body structures and perfect limbs that they possessed the moment they first emerged throughout the history.

In the fossil record, life forms are always unaltered without undergoing any change or conversion even after millions of years. This is why paleontology defines such invariance in the existence of species as "stasis". Despite being a proponent of evolution, the American paleontologist and science historian Stephen Jay Gould wrote the following about two of the most distinguishing features of the fossil record:

The history of most fossil species include two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism:
1) Stasis: Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth.  They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless.

2) Sudden appearance: In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and “fully formed.”[2]

As can be seen, the fact that life forms appeared suddenly on the stage of history and has always remained unchanged undeniably proves that the imaginary evolutionary process has never taken place. 


Instead of imaginary examples, evolutionists bear the burden of proof as to how the first life form could emerge without a creative force. Rather than addressing this fundamental issue, they disprove their own belief systems by giving examples that refute their own claims. Evolutionists are well aware that a protein cannot come into existence by itself or that a complex cell cannot form on its own. Life has a complex organization at every level and is the work of the creation of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the Almighty Creator.

[1]  Timescale of early land plant evolution, Morris et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Feb 2018, 201719588; DOI:10.1073/pnas.1719588115

[2]  S. J. Gould,"Evolution's Erratic Pace", Natural History, vol. 86, May 1977

http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275876/where-is-the-pre-cambrianhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275876/where-is-the-pre-cambrianSun, 08 Jul 2018 16:41:54 +0300
Why Darwinism is Dangerous for Society

Most people react the same way when they hear Darwinism is a danger to humanity: they are surprised. They don’t see how a theory about biology could be dangerous in any way. They know about the many current significant problems worldwide but they don’t see how any of it could be related to Darwinism. 

Darwinism is dangerous because it is not merely a theory about biology, it also branched off in unexpected directions and made enormously negative impacts everywhere it touched. It started with the unscientific and inaccurate claim that life was coincidental. Then it claimed that there had to be constant struggle for everything, that the strong should crush the weak, that there had to be absolute selfishness for success and even made the outlandish claim that all these allegations were supported by science. 

First of all, all of these claims are wrong. Not only has no evolutionary process ever taken place, but selfishness and cruelty are nothing other than deliberately made choices. It certainly is not something we are programmed to do, as Darwinist like to think.

Nevertheless, Darwinism managed to create quite an impact with these assumptions. To begin with, in many cases, its selfish and materialistic rhetoric stripped people of their happiness falsely reducing beautiful feelings like love, compassion and altruism to mere illusions and biological reactions. And because it claimed to be scientific. 

The majority of people are led to think that their lives are meaningless. After constant propaganda through education systems and the media, most people began to believe that there really was no purpose to life, that human life was not valuable at all, that it was ‘every man for himself’, etc. 

As a result, people began to live their lives without a sense of purpose, constantly stressing over everything without being able to trust God, crushed under the weight of believing that the world is against them. It is no wonder that people are not smiling anymore, no wonder that relationships –be they with family, friends or neighbours- that are so vital to happiness are dwindling to the point of disappearance. Even zealous Darwin-admirer and famous atheist Richard Dawkins admits that he wouldn’t want to live in a Darwinian society. Whether he wants it or not, he is living in a Darwinian world, and so is the rest of the world.

However, the effect is not limited to people’s lack of happiness. It has made people angry and even violent. As a matter of fact, the school shootings that have become the new normal in the USA are directly related to this long-standing materialist indoctrination. American journalist and author Alex Newman, who was a guest at the recent International Conference on “The Origin of Life and the Universe” in Istanbul, explains how this Darwinist indoctrination led to violence in American schools: 

The teaching of evolution in schools as truth is absolutely central, I think, to the explosion of violence that we’ve seen in the schools and the gang activity and the shootings. It’s very simple to understand why: If you teach children that only the strong survive, if you teach children that life is meaningless, that human life has no value above and beyond just seeking pleasure and dominating others and propagating one’s genes, it’s very clear to see what this would lead to. [Even if] the kid is not going to shoot up the school, maybe he is going to become a politician, maybe he is going to lead a government and then put these ideas into practice on a broader scale. 

It’s so fundamental to these worldviews to believe in the evolutionary theory because without the evolutionary theory you recognise that humans are made by God in the image of God. How can you kill people, how can you murder people, when you recognize that God values them, and that God has created them?”

It may surprise you but many people don’t know that Nazism was heavily influenced by Darwin’s ideas and Hitler notoriously called all people other than Nordic Germans “apes” or “subhumans.” Similarly, Karl Marx dedicated his book to Charles Darwin and Stalin and Lenin, who together are responsible for the death of tens millions of innocent people, both admired and were inspired by Darwin’s ideas in their horrible actions. 

There is constant talk, meetings after meetings to find solutions to our world’s problems, but no one seems to think that materialist, Darwinist doctrines are causing serious damage to the fabric of our society. Realising that it manifests itself in the sudden bursts of anger and violence that are becoming more and more common around the world, in the societies lost to divisions and separatism. 

Thus, it is extremely important to sense the dangers that Darwinism theory poses and to challenge it scientifically. 
International events organised by The Technics and Science Research Foundation attract huge interest and aim to tackle the Darwinist dictatorship that corrupts society. However, it is also true that our world needs more of these efforts and definitely needs sensible, rational people to connect and work together to take an intellectual stance against Darwinism.

Adnan Oktar's piece in WTX News (USA):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275617/why-darwinism-is-dangerous-forhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275617/why-darwinism-is-dangerous-forWed, 04 Jul 2018 23:16:12 +0300
Turkey's choice: Strong country, leadership

Turkey made its choice on June 24 and named her new President and Parliament members. The country now will be ruled with a Presidential system, where the President will be the head of the executive, without the help of a prime minister. The new system will not allow coalition governments, which means that the government will be able to act faster and more effectively. Legislation and executive will be more clearly divided, and the government will focus on its services while the parliament makes the laws and oversees the activities of the former. The president will work in tandem with the parliament for a problem-free ruling.

The President can hold the office for a maximum of two terms and the Ministers in the cabinet set up by the president cannot act as parliament members at the same time. The new system will also make it possible to indict the president with a parliamentary resolution.

The winner of the elections was Cumhur (Public) Alliance, a collaboration between AK Parti and MHP. At least 10% of the 52% that Mr. Tayyip Erdogan obtained in order to be the president, came from MHP voters. This shows that, even though the President has now more powers, the allegations of ‘one-man rule’ against him are untrue. From now on, AK Party will need to get the approval of MHP in its policies, which will make MHP a central player in the parliament.

AK Party-MHP alliance also means a stronger campaign against the terror group PKK and the introduction of stronger policies against plots targeting Turkey. This collaboration will particularly prevent the realization of the Greater Middle East project, which is devised to divide Middle East into smaller countries completely susceptible to exploitation. It is a known fact that this project was officially launched, in Iraq and Syria and now continues in a bid to divide the people of the Middle East. A new Middle East map published in the New York Times in 2013 predicts that five countries in the Middle East will be divided, giving birth to 14 smaller new countries. Many similar Middle East maps were prepared in the past, and the region was subsequently dismembered in line with those plans. The goal is creating a divided, unstable Middle East, where people are completely disconnected, and intimidation through violence, bombs and riots, to turn all the countries in the region into new Syrias, ultimately taking control of the entire Middle East. However, to achieve this goal, it is believed that strong and central countries of the region should be weakened, disallowing strong governments. Turkey is at top of the list.

For this reason, the architects of the Greater Middle East Project are focused on making Turkey weak and dependent. Riots like Gezi protests, or failed coup attempt of July 15, were a part of this plan. When they failed, credit rating institutions stepped in and used the rise of dollar as an excuse to show that Turkey is 'not suitable for investments’. The plan was to demonstrate and present Turkey’s economy as bankrupt in an attempt to sway voters away from the AK Party and ultimately for them to lose the elections.

For these reasons, it had been crucial for Turkey’s strong leadership to continue in order to disappoint the wishes of those who designed a divided Middle East after the elections. The Turkish people gave the perfect answer on June 24. The strong rule in Turkey shows that those who made evil plans for the Middle East will not be able to advance their goals. Turkey making strong alliances with Russia and China in addition to her new eastern alliances, will further reinforce this effect.

The said project already failed in Turkey on July 15. Now Turkey, and as a matter of fact, the entire Middle East are stronger. The Cumhur Alliance that is in power in Turkey at the moment, is fully aware of the dangers Turkey faces and shapes its policies accordingly. AK Party-MHP alliance will continue to contribute to Turkey in the future. MHP has a huge vote potential especially among the Turkish youth. Once the threat of the PKK is thwarted, the people’s trust in AK Party and MHP will increase even more.

The election results gave another important message. They showed that AK Party still couldn't win the hearts of people in coastal cities and North-west Turkey. It is clear that AK Party should assess the reasons behind the strong reaction against it in those regions and understand the concerns of the people. The people in coastal cities are still worried that their freedoms and modernism, and that these might be restricted. This is probably the most important issue the government needs to work on. 

AK Party has completed very successful development projects and Turkey saw truly enormous leaps over the last 15 years. Once these achievements are supported with further leaps in the arts, quality and modernism, people will feel more at ease and content.

Indeed President Erdogan expressed the importance of this point in his post-election speech and said: ‘We will never allow anyone to be discriminated against, frowned upon or isolated because of their ethnicity, faith, clothing choice, life style or any other difference.’  When Turkey makes good on this promise, crucial changes will take place in Turkey.

It should be remembered that a healthy country is possible only when the leadership is strong, and when women and young people are completely free and are contributing members of the society. Women’s rights, one of the biggest targets of extremism, should be of focused on in order to champion and ensure equality both in social life and politics. We hope that this will be an era of beautiful developments for Turkey and the Middle East.

Adnan Oktar's piece in The Jakarta Post (Indonesia):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275612/turkeys-choice-strong-country-leadershiphttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275612/turkeys-choice-strong-country-leadershipWed, 04 Jul 2018 15:53:49 +0300
The Door to Peace in South Caucasus

Recently, there was a wave of street protests in Armenia. Following heavy public pressure, the opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan was elected by the Parliament as the new prime minister and he immediately took office after the inauguration ceremony.

The whole world is now waiting in anticipation to see what sort of strategy he will pursue regarding tension in the region. Early reports point to the beginning of a new normalization period in the Caucasus. Asking to normalize diplomatic relations without any preconditions, the new prime minister conveyed some moderate messages to both Azerbaijan and Turkey. This was an important development signifying the possibility of a new model for peace in the world’s most turbulent region perpetually associated with wars and conflicts.

Today, the Turkish and Azerbaijani borders to Armenia remain closed and commercial and political relations with Armenia are basically nonexistent. However, Turks and Armenians are among the oldest peoples to inhabit the Anatolian territory. Turks have a long history of peaceful coexistence along Armenians, starting with Chaghri Beg’s first military campaign of 1018 to Anatolia and has been ongoing since a millennium. During that period, the two nations established trade relations and bonds of kinship, creating a common civilization.

Armenians served in the army alongside Turks, the Armenian doctors provided cures for the ailments of the Turkish population, and both worked together to regulate the financial matters of the state they lived in. Many mosques in Anatolia and Istanbul where Muslims perform their prayers carry the mark of Armenian architects. The fact that the Dolmabahce Palace, the seat of the Ottoman Dynasty, was constructed by Armenian architects is one of the most prominent indicators of the intimacy of the relations between the two peoples.

In the early 20th century and especially during the WWI period, the old friends had a fall out, leading to a series of undesired incidents in Anatolia that resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Today, both Armenians and Turks speak retrospectively of their own losses in those incidents. In truth, however, it was the Ottoman people who suffered all the causalities. At the time, both Armenians and Turks were fellow citizens living under the rule of a single state. At this point, it is the groups who drive a wedge between brothers with the aim to exploit the ensuing enmities and try to keep the issue topical so as to keep capitalizing on it that should be held accountable.

The two nations, who had managed to coexist as brothers and sisters for centuries, gave into the incitements of the countries that sought to bring about the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the WWI. As a consequence, scores of innocent Ottoman civilians of both Armenian and Turkish origin, most of whom were women and children, lost their lives, and it was the two nations of this inestimable civilization bound by ties of brotherhood that suffered the most.

Today is the day for the common sense to prevail against the provocateurs. The Armenian diaspora needs to shed the misleading influences. What happened in the past should stay in the past; the two peoples need to work for the future and devise joint development plans. A bright tomorrow that will rise upon a deep-rooted friendship awaits the two nations. The time has now come for the Armenian and Turkish people to bury the hatchet once and for all.

Peace attempts made with the purpose of furthering commercial interests, lifting blockades or relieving international pressure are doomed to fail in the slightest conflict of interest. History teems with such examples. When friendships are based on sincerity rather than self-interests, political cooperation will sprout and rapidly flourish by itself as its natural result. Both Turkey and Armenia should no longer avoid any opportunity at peace just because some others oppose it.

Recently, there has been a major political transformation in Armenia. In the wake of a series of developments fraught with demonstrations and protests, the opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan has been elected by the Parliament as the new Prime Minister of Armenia. Both the Armenian people and leaders deserve to be commended for the peaceful resolution of the process without escalating the situation into civil war.

Pashinyan currently enjoys a major public support. Instead of favoring a populist approach to the Turkish and Azerbaijani policies, he is acting like a true statesman. In his first messages, he extended an olive branch to both countries, thus taking the first steps towards defusing the long-standing tensions.

Russia also demonstrated an invaluable attitude in this regard by supporting the atmosphere of peace that will establish calm and tranquility in the tumultuous region. This is because the restoration of the Armenian-Turkish relations is also compatible with Russia’s general policy of securing peace in the South Caucasus. Furthermore, as a party maintaining cordial relations with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey, Russia can prove truly helpful in bringing stability to the region. In fact, by bringing Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Iran around the table, Russia can be the key to unlocking the door to peace in the South Caucasus. To that end, Russia can urge both Azerbaijan and Turkey while encouraging Armenia in the name of ensuring stability in the South Caucasus.

Pashinyan expressed his eagerness to discuss the future of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which has long remained a matter of dispute with Azerbaijan, and invited Azerbaijan to the negotiation table. In addition to his invitation, he also noted that he is willing to initiate the process of normalizing relations with Turkey. In fact, unlike former Armenian leaders, he specifically underlined that he will not set out any preconditions.

This attitude may be the beginning of a long-awaited wonderful phase in the Caucasus. Turkey and Azerbaijan need to make good use of this opportunity. On the other hand, Armenia needs to realize that cooperation with a Turkey that is increasingly influential in the region will be in favor of the Armenian people. Friendship and peace should no longer remain as unfulfilled diplomatic discourse and the enmity between the two nations should be left behind, never to be rehashed. It needs to be proven that love triumphs over all else.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Kashmir Reader (India) & GIDSS (USA) & News Rescue (USA):




http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275553/the-door-to-peace-inhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275553/the-door-to-peace-inMon, 02 Jul 2018 22:03:02 +0300
Future of Turkish democracy at stake

Turkey is once again going through the familiar, hectic pace of elections, which will take place on June 24 (today). These elections are particularly important because subsequently, a completely new political system will be introduced to the country.

In this system, which is a type of a presidential system, there will be no coalition Governments. This is consequential because until 2002, Turkey had been ruled by a myriad of coalition Governments, which had not fared well for the country, neither economically nor politically. Therefore the new system promises to put an end to the instability that comes with coalition Governments. Election of new presidents has been another point that has always caused crisis in Turkey. Even when the title was only symbolic with very little power over the country’s affairs, presidential elections caused tension. The new system will hopefully put an end to that unnecessary strain.

The new system will not include a prime minister. The President will appoint the Council of Ministers, including Ministers and Deputy Ministers. Ministers will not be Parliament members, so they will either be appointed from outside the Parliament, or will have to resign first.

After the elections, there is a possibility that the party of the President and the majority party in the Parliament will be different. If that happens, the Opposition might lock the system and trigger a new crisis. However, the new system also offers ways to bypass such a crisis. If the President and the Parliament fail to agree on a point and cannot work reasonably, both the Parliament and the President can call for snap elections, leaving the decision to the people and easily solving the problem. However, the President will have only two rights to be in the office and if a snap election is called, one right will be lost.

The new system will also bring a plural democratic model, with mechanisms in place to avoid a dictatorship to be formed. For instance, the system will be based on the principle of separation of powers, and the terms of running the office will be limited and the president can be sued and brought to court.

The new political system is not the only novelty brought by these elections. There are also important changes in the election system. The most important one is that it allows parties to cooperate before the elections, which is widely used in many countries with minor differences. However, it is a novelty for Turkey. It will allow smaller parties in the alliance to enter the Parliament. This is crucial because there is a 10 per cent election threshold in Turkey, and many people fear that the system won’t allow everyone to be represented in Parliament. Smaller parties that cannot reach the 10 per cent threshold and are not able build such alliances, will not have representation in the Parliament. 

The People’s Democratic Part (HDP) Party is in this situation at the moment. In fact this has been the hottest topic, discussed frequently amongst the public and in Turkish politics. Should HDP fail to reach the threshold, the ruling party will have an additional 30 MPs. The Opposition parties, mostly the Republican People’s Party (CHP) which is the main Opposition, believes that HPD’s influence in the Southeast Anatolia should continue. HDP says that if the second round takes place, they will support the CHP candidate. Needless to say, this is a risk for Turkey, because HDP finding representation in the Parliament is clearly risky in many ways since it is supported by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

The Justice and Development Part (AK) Party has been in power for almost 16 years now and has based its election campaign on the projects it completed during its time. The third bridge passing over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, massive state hospitals, sub-sea tunnels that connect Asia and Europe, the world’s biggest airport, high-speed trains, airports in almost every Turkish city, bridge that is being built over the Dardanelles Strait, thousands of kilometer long highways and tunnels that link them, Kanal Istanbul project, new shipyards, new satellites launched into space, and the defense industry that is becoming more and more domestic are the most important leverage points for AK Party.

The ruling party also promises that the fight against FETO, the terror group behind the failed coup attempt of July 15, and the terror group PKK, will continue until terror has completely ended. President Erdogan also announced that after the elections, the State of Emergency would be lifted. 

The Opposition, on the other hand, claims that many of AK Party’s projects are unnecessary, even wasteful. They claim that if they win the elections, they will either stop or even destroy those projects. CHP candidate Muharrem Ince claims that if he wins the elections, he will not use the Presidential Palace. He also doesn't approve of the new system and promises to go back to the parliamentary system if he is elected.

Criticisms against AK Party mostly focus on freedoms and basic rights. The reconstruction of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, lifting of the State of Emergency are among the election promises of the Opposition. Opposition parties, particularly CHP, object to the privatisation of public institutions and promise to take measures to make distribution of income more equitable.

If the Opposition does win the elections, there will also be radical changes in the Turkish foreign policy. For example, the Opposition says that they will send back 3.5 million Syrian refugees. The Opposition distanced itself from the Afrin operation in Syria. These are reasons that make people wary and anxious of an Opposition victory.

Fifty six million people will vote today. Even with these difficulties, Turkey is the most important democracy in the region. No matter what the outcome, a stronger country is in everyone’s best interests. Should Turkey’s democracy and economy begin to falter, the troubles in the Middle East will only exacerbate. For this reason, it is crucial that a strong Turkey is the result of this election. This is what we hope and pray for.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Daily Pioneer (India) & Kashmir Reader (India):



http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275367/future-of-turkish-democracy-athttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275367/future-of-turkish-democracy-atThu, 28 Jun 2018 12:58:54 +0300
Time to reflect

Ramadan, which comes to a close this week, has given Muslims in Bahrain a chance to reflect on God and beauty – which is everywhere one looks; on the face of a cheetah, the rippling leaves, a rose bud that gracefully comes out of earth without a blemish on it, in the spiral galaxies that display spectacular shows of colour and twirling patterns. Everywhere we look, God’s beautiful art of creation is there.

And this beauty has so many layers, it goes so deep, it is not only simply about a pleasing appearance. For example, scientists discovered an astounding mathematical pattern that kept appearing in completely irrelevant things. From biological systems to inanimate objects, this mathematical formula, called the golden ratio – sometimes referred to as the Divine Proportion – follows a mathematical pattern (phi = 1.61803...) that makes everything more beautiful.

Astoundingly, it can be found in almost everywhere from our bodies, to a sunflower, to spiral galaxies to seashells. This formula is so intricate and so crucial to the form of beauty that many artists like Leonardo da Vinci frequently used it in their works.

The frequent appearance of the golden ratio in the universe clearly shows that God loves beauty and aesthetics.

Prophet Mohammed, the epitome of elegance and refinement, also loved beauty, and despite living in the harsh climate of the desert, built himself a rose garden. He not only loved roses but also made rose perfumes, which he used personally.

When our Prophet passed away, Islamic civilisation grew and flourished at an unprecedented rate, especially when Muslims abided by the Quran. In line with the exaltation of beauty seen in the Quran and the life of Prophet Mohammed, they built their own versions of beauty in everything they did. As a result, they were able to give the world some of the most beautiful architecture and art the world has ever seen.

The list of the spectacular Islamic works of art is a long one, but it could be said that the following few are good examples of the excellence in question.

The Taj Mahal: Built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan (reigned 1628-1658) in Agra, India in memory of his late wife Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is one of the most famous examples of Islamic architecture.

The Alhambra Palace: Located in modern day Granada, Spain, the palace belonged to the Muslim princes of the Nasrid Dynasty. Although parts of it were destroyed, a fortress, a residence and many gardens and pavilions still stand strong today.

The Dome of the Rock: The oldest extant Islamic building in the world, the Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine that houses the stone where Prophet Mohammed started his Mi’raj. It is reported that 100,000 gold dinars were melted down and cast on the exterior of the dome. When it was first built, it was said that it “had so strong a gleam, no eye could look straight at it”. It is today one of the most well-known landmarks of the Islamic world.

As mentioned before, the list Islamic of architectural masterpieces is a long one. However, they all have one thing in common; a desire to show an appreciation for God’s art of creation as much as a desire to build something beautiful that will befit the beauty of God’s creation.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Gulf Daily News:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275169/time-to-reflecthttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275169/time-to-reflectTue, 19 Jun 2018 18:24:45 +0300
Welcoming a Second Golden Age: La Convivencia

“La Convivencia” refers to a period of time when Muslims, Jews and Christians lived peacefully together in Spain, under Muslim rule. Over the course of seven centuries, members of the three Abrahamic religions worked together and developed one of the most advanced parts of Islamic civilization our world has ever witnessed. It was called al-Andalus.

Muslims rule in Spain, which began in the 8th century, gave way to a glorious civilization of science and culture that left an indelible mark on the world’s history. Indeed, the Muslims’ influence had been so great that the scientific and philosophical achievements of al-Andalus contributed to what is known today as the ‘European Renaissance’.

This was at a time when Europe was fighting the dark days of the Middle Ages. Wars, conflicts and diseases were tearing the continent apart, while al-Andalus, with a population of 5.6 million, had a level of civilization that could rival the modern cities of today. With the exception of a few instances of disputes, it was a splendid example of a modern civilization with canals, aqueducts and underground water conduits. The city of Cordoba for instance, had 200,000 houses, 600 mosques, 900 public baths, 50 hospitals, 70 libraries –the caliph’s personal library alone held 400,000 volumes-, and 10,000 street lamps.

The Jewish statesman Hasdai ibn Shaprut described Sepharad (the Jewish name for al-Andalus) in the following way:

The land is rich, abounding in rivers, springs, and aqueducts; a land of corn, oil, of fruits and all manner of delicacies; it has gardens and orchards, fruitful trees of every kind, including the leaves of trees upon which the silkworm feeds…. There are also found among us mountains…with veins of sulphur, porphyry, marble and crystal. Merchants congregate in it and traffickers from the ends of earth…bringing spices, precious stones, splendid wares for kings and princes…’

The German nun Hrotswitha of Gandersheim was also very impressed with Cordoba and said: ‘The new imperial city, the glittering ornament of the world, shining in the western regions.’

Al-Andaluss’ richness and beauty came from contributions by the members of three divine and Abrahamic religions. The intensity of literary production, especially in the 10th Century, was a result of cultural cooperation between Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars. Particularly during the reign of Abd al-Rahman III and his Jewish vizier Hasdai ibn Shaprut, Arabs, Berbers, Jews, and the Christian Iberio-Hispanic population were given equal opportunity in government services and public affairs. Christians and Jews, in particular , were classified as protected people. The renowned Jewish philosopher Maimonides explains as follows: ‘Judaism probably welcomed the conquest of Spain by the Muslims. With the Muslim conquest began a Golden Age of freedom and tolerance for Jews. They freely entered the fields of government, science, medicine, and literature. Jews and Christians were free to maintain their beliefs and practices and indeed the compassion Islam displayed towards the non-Muslim inhabitants led many of them to embrace Islam.

However, al-Andalus was far from the only example of the shining cities of Islamic brilliance. Baghdad, with its House of Wisdom, was to  the ancient world what New York is to the modern world. Scholars, artists and scientists from every far land, regardless of their faith or gender, flocked to this beautiful city that thrived on knowledge, art and culture. Al-Fustat of Egypt was another, albeit a lesser known, example of an Islamic center of aestheticism and art. In 987, the geographer Ibn Hawkal wrote that the city had ‘shaded streets, gardens and handsome markets with houses up to seven stories tall, and large enough to accommodate 200 people.’  Nasir-i-Khusrow, some 70 years later, also expressed his astonishment at the beauty of the city, and mentioned ‘iridescent pottery so delicate he could see his hand through it, costly green transparent glass, rock crystal, tortoise shell and a profusion of fruits and flowers and vegetables even during the winter months.’

Al-Azhar in Cairo, which is today the world’s most famous Islamic university, was built as a mosque during the rule of the Fatimids; it was opened for prayers first on 7 Ramadan 361 H / June 22, 972 CE. Cairo saw a myriad of rulers that were committed to making the institution the best center of Islamic education, which helped elevate Al-Azhar’s status to that of a magnet center for education and talent. When the Abbasid caliphate came to an end in 1258, Mamluk Sultan Baybars invited the Abbasid family to Cairo, which triggered a massive movement of Islamic scholars to Egypt. Around the same time, the Islamic emirates in Spain were being attacked by Castillian armies and the scholars of Cordoba, Seville and Valencia also turned to Cairo as their destination, making Cairo the new center of Islamic learning.

It is possible to extend the list. However, even these few examples give a clear message: as long as Muslims abide by the Qur’an, the peaceful atmosphere of harmonious co-existence would exist like it did during La Convivencia, and it would be followed by the examples of flourishing cultures in Baghdad or Al-Fustat.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Egyptian Streets:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275167/welcoming-a-second-golden-agehttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275167/welcoming-a-second-golden-ageTue, 19 Jun 2018 18:15:08 +0300
'Turkey's choice' is not only Turkey's

Turkey is gearing up for an important election that is going to take place on June 24th. Turks will choose their new President who will be in office for the next five years and they will also choose their candidates for the new 600-member Turkish Parliament.

Although there is no certainty as to the percentages, many analysts agree that the Cumhur Alliance between incumbent President Erdogan's AK Party and the nationalist MHP will win a majority in the parliament and a similar result is expected for the Presidential elections. According to the Turkish election system, candidates need a minimum of 50% votes in order to be elected in the first round. President Erdogan is projected to get between 50% to 54% of the votes according to the latest poll and, it looks like the last-minute developments that will take place before the election will determine the outcome. 

President Erdogan and the AK Party have been victorious in 12 elections in the span of the past 15 years and those 12 elections included five general elections, three local elections, three referendums and one presidential election. This success stems from the united front the Turkish people show under President Erdogan's leadership. When President Erdogan first stood in the Istanbul municipality elections back in 1994, he got only two million votes. In the latest referendum, his votes had reached 26 million. With every new election, more voters have rushed to his side, which proves that he has a solid, unwavering voter base. Most of those voters showed their loyalty to President Erdogan and the values he represented by pouring out on the streets on the night of the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

Unlike the previous ones, this election will generally be a competition between Erdogan and his opponents. So much so, the election campaigns of the opposition have focused mostly on their anti-Erdogan stance rather than talking about their visions and goals. For example, while President Erdogan mentions his targets for 2023 and relevant projects to reach these targets, the other candidates merely talk about how they will stop those projects if they get elected. In this sense, the June 24th elections are poised to be one of the most interesting ones in history.

Although it looks like only Turkey will make the choice on June 24th, the outcome of this election will definitely have important consequences for the region and the world. The personal friendship of Putin-Erdogan-Rhouani has played an important role in the recent Turkish-Iranian-Russian rapprochement and the Qatari Amir benefited greatly from this alliance due to this personal friendship with President Erdogan. A look at the Western mainstream media easily reveals that this alliance was an important reason behind the current anti-Erdogan stance in the Western world. The British deep state, which has been traditionally against such a united front, now employs all of its propaganda resources and media power with the hopes of affecting the election outcome in Turkey. This deep structure believes that if a Turkey without Erdogan comes out of the elections on June 24, this important alliance, which is a balancing factor for the Middle East, will get weaker and the British deep state will once again get control.

If a plot to achieve this scenario becomes successful and endangers the continued leadership of President Erdogan, the next stage of the plan, which is the division of the region, will almost certainly begin. Even though the main opposition party in Turkey has also been always against the idea of the separation of Turkey, the resulting environment will present a suitable opportunity to those that have been making such sinister plans. President Erdogan saw this risk a long time ago, and paid great attention both to national unity and the alliance between Russia, Turkey and Iran. However, if the plot against him succeeds, the new leaders will probably fail to understand the importance of such unity or will be forced to do the opposite and Turkey will easily slip back into its previous role, where it was beholden to the Western world. This would lead to a swift separation process for Turkey, followed by the fragmentation of the Middle East. This is the reason why certain deep circles consider Turkey's elections crucial. They conspire against President Erdogan using all the resources available to them while the Turkish people continue to support him with all their might. At a time when the danger is all too real and far too big, this support should be stronger than ever.

Readers will recall that Russia had been once the target of similar plots, but President Putin's strong stance rendered them ineffective. The sinister projects to divide the Middle East can be stopped only by strong leaders that understand the significance of unity in the Middle East and the Caucasus.

Erdogan and MHP leader Bahçeli built an important alliance for this election, as both leaders think that Turkey is under attack, just like the majority of the Turkish people. They consider the legal coup of December 17-25, the military coup attempt of July 15, and the terror groups dominant in Iraq and Syria as a part of the war waged against Turkey. For this reason, the Cumhur alliance is important in that it successfully brings together the voters. The recent increases in foreign exchange and interest rates are also seen as another part of this attack. These leaders know perfectly well that the British deep state always plays the economy card in such sensitive times and credit rating institutions that keep saying 'don't invest in Turkey' are always used for this very purpose. This ruse is definitely not new. Since the Turkish people are well aware of it, no one really thinks that this strange turn of events in the economy will have a significant impact on election outcome.

The June 24th elections are also important for other reasons: the age to be elected and vote has now come down to 18. Turkey has a very young population, with the average age being 28. Therefore, the Turkish youth wishes to vote for the future. 56 million people will cast their votes in the June 24th elections in Turkey, one of the most important democracies in the region.  It is important to note that a strong Turkey will be in the best interests of everyone in the region. The Turkish state and President Erdogan showed recently that Turkey would pursue fair and selfless policies. The continuing stability of Turkey is vital for a permanent peace in the region.

Adnan Oktar's piece in PRAVDA (Russia):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275165/turkeys-choice-is-not-onlyhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275165/turkeys-choice-is-not-onlyTue, 19 Jun 2018 16:04:11 +0300
Evolution theory could not be proven – Once againFor 25 years, evolutionary biologist Professor Richard E. Lenski has been conducting a set of mutation experiments on 12 different E.coli bacteria population encompassing 60,000 generations.

The aim was to be able to conduct an observable evolution experiment called LTTE (Long-term evolution experiment).

With the efforts of the evolutionary scientists who had been looking for the traces of the theory of evolution in fossils having proven in vain, they focused on trying to prove evolution by conducting more frequent experiments on generations of bacteria in much shorter periods, which is the actual purpose of this experiment.

This meant that if a visible change could be observed in living generations, it would offer the long-awaited and desired proof for evolution. But as always, things did not go as evolutionists wished.

Over the course of 25 years, the experiments featured countless mutation attempts made on bacteria. In these experiments, said bacteria are left in an environment containing citrate (C6H5O7-3) and glucose.

Some of the bacteria go through various genetic mutations regarding the absorption and utilization of citrate molecule by the cell, and begin to digest the citrate in the environment as a source of carbon. This, in turn, leads to an enhanced growth rate in these bacteria due to increased nourishment. In the following generations, however, this growth rate starts slowing down, resulting in the extinction of most of the generations among said species or the development of species-specific diseases.

In conclusion, mutated generations either become sick or suffer from growth retardation, and just as it is with all life forms, the original genes of E.coli bacteria, too, remain healthy and intact.

Contrary to what is claimed, this mutation is obviously neither beneficial nor evolution-triggering. Because since day one, E.coli bacteria have possessed the genes that brake down citrate. In the experiment, the mutated generations are observed to have an increased citrate absorption into the cell. An examination of its cause reveals an abnormality in the genes of citrate transporter protein. In other words, this is not a progression, but retrogression.

The function of citrate transporter is to enter the cell in anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions to ensure citrate uptake into the cell. In this example, however, this system in the bacteria goes haywire, resulting in a constant citrate uptake into the cell and triggering an uncontrolled citrate metabolism.

Evolutionists are trying to present this as a beneficial mutation. They attempt to say "Look! There was this pressure, but after we reduced glucose, the bacteria gained the brand new ability of utilizing citrate,"; whereas the bacteria have already been in possession of the genes to utilize citrate and what happens here is the deterioration of the control mechanism of these genes. In other words, the available system in the cell is being impaired.

The situation can be likened to this; as is known, special sensors are placed on the streets, which are adjusted to the dark of the night. These sensors activate and turn the street lamps on when it gets dark. If there is any failure in the sensor system and the sensors detect that it is night-time for 24 hours, the street lamps will be turned on for 24 hours and they will be worn-down while wasting energy. This is a loss rather than an advantage. It means that a previously functioning system breaks down.

In the said example, which evolutionists try to arbitrarily present as evidence, there is no new information; on the contrary, there is a loss of information. Although the situation is quite obvious, the evolutionists still attempt to deceive people by resorting to tautology. It is actually a matter of a genetic disease caused as always by a mutation, not by evolution. When the cell was created out of nothing, it lost the perfectly balanced system it possessed and become deteriorated. Thus, the methods of demagogy evolutionists usually resort to have once again been disproven.

And this also should be noted: Despite the controlled mutations on 60,000 generations, the E.coli bacteria is still bacteria. It did not evolve into any other living thing.  This 25 years long experiment, once again could NOT PROVIDE ANY EVIDENCE  for evolution theory.  

http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275163/evolution-theory-could-not-behttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/275163/evolution-theory-could-not-beTue, 19 Jun 2018 13:22:12 +0300
When Muslims warp Islam

Fasting during the month of Ramadan became a religious duty for Muslims in 624 C.E., during ‎the Medina period when Islam began to spread rapidly. Fasting is not only a ‎religious observation but also an important message to the Muslim world ‎with immense spiritual value.

However, this spiritual value becomes ‎apparent only when the true religion, as described in the Quran, is practiced. Ramadan does not  ‎mean that a person should strive for peace, display moral behavior, show forgiveness ‎or say nice words merely for a single month, but is a reminder how one ‎should live one's entire life. ‎

However, the Muslim community has largely forgotten the religion preached in ‎the Quran and the true moral values that should be upheld. The ‎superstitions fostered over the centuries, fabrications presented as ‎Islam, traditions that have become entrenched, and fatwas of some so-called religious figures have managed to make many Muslims stray ‎away from the Quran.

In fact, according to the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad ‎complained: ‎"My Lord, my people treat this Quran as something to be ignored" (Quran 25:30)‎.

As a result of their abandonment of the Quran, many Muslims are unaware of ‎many verses and have come to hold irrational, non-Quranic ‎beliefs. ‎

For example, several verses of the Quran praise Jews, such ‎as: ‎"Those who believe and those who are Jews, Sabeans and Christians – anyone ‎who believes in God and the Last Day, and acts honorably, should have no ‎fear nor will they be saddened" (Quran 5:69).

All Muslims should remember ‎that God clearly warns in the Quran against coming up with rules that are not in ‎the Quran: "What is the matter with you? How do you reach your judgment? Will you not pay heed?‎ Or do you have some clear authority?‎ Bring your Book, then, if you are telling the truth!" (Quran, 37:154-157)‎.

In the Quran, God requires believers to treat the People of the Book with love ‎and respect in a spirit of unity.

But the Islamic world has witnessed the rise of ‎anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sentiments.

These communities, which coexisted ‎in harmony and trusted Muslims with their lives and possessions in our ‎prophet's era, have now become unable to live in the Muslim world.

This ‎stems from the fact that the Islam practiced by some segments is not in ‎compliance with the Islam in the Quran. ‎

According to the Quran, a Muslim does not have the right to attack another ‎person or start a war. All of the wars mentioned in the Quran are defensive ‎‎(Quran, 2:191, 4:89-91, 9:5, 9:13, 5:33, 8:57, 47:4, 4:89). Muslims are ‎granted only the right to defend themselves when attacked.

Today, however, ‎certain Muslims who abide by superstitious philosophies seek to distort the real ‎meaning behind the use of war defined in the Quran and ‎present those distortions as appropriate acts of worship. Terrorism, which is ‎never mentioned anywhere in the Quran and is at complete odds with its spirit, ‎has become associated with Muslims. ‎

No matter how terrifying the deeds of the communities who have abandoned ‎the Quran are, the response should not be impulsive, but rational and faith-based. The biggest mistake would be to associate and label all Muslims with these communities ‎and create enemies based on the behavior of a few groups. Islam that is ‎practiced according to the Quran is the only solution for the communities that ‎have adopted hatred as their religion. ‎

Our decades-long efforts to promote the true Islam as described in the Quran, ‎and the traditional iftar banquets we hold every Ramadan in particular, help to ‎spread the beautiful message of Islam, in addition to encouraging all Muslims to ‎turn to the Quran.

It is in these iftar dinners that the fact that Ramadan is a month ‎of peace reveals itself most clearly. People of all religions, beliefs ‎and views come together and embrace one another. The iftar ‎banquets demonstrate respect, reverence, friendship, solidarity and sincerity to ‎the whole world.

‎Ramadan is about striving ‎to be "the person God expects." Such behavior and attitudes should ‎extend beyond Ramadan and be prevalent throughout one’s life.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Israel Hayom (Israel) :


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274930/when-muslims-warp-islam-http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274930/when-muslims-warp-islam-Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:09:12 +0300
Another Ramadan Amidst Gratitude And Prayers

In the month of Ramadan which is a mercy, blessing and beauty for all Muslims, we sit to break our fast and we give our thanks to God for each and every meal, every provision He has provided us with. As a matter of fact, we should display the same level of gratitude for all the blessings bestowed upon us everyday and always. We should remember, not only in Ramadan, but in every waking moment of our lives that every provision given to us by God, every beauty, our family members and friends whom we meet at the Iftar table, the air we breathe and everything around us exist as a gift to us from God.

Most of us surely have a childhood memory where we had been offered a candy while paying a visit to a neighbor or relative, and our mom asked us "Did you thank the host?" Thanking someone who has done us a favor is one of the most fundamental rules of etiquette, which teaches us to respect and appreciate those who help us and do nice things for us.

In this period where people are becoming more and more selfish and even rude, thankfulness is an increasingly valuable trait. Thanking is not only crucial for the one who receives the favor, but for the one doing the favor as well. Thanking is a major indicator of the fact that one's actions are being appreciated.

The person who helps us warm up when we are cold, who feeds us when we are hungry, or who takes care of us when we are sick suddenly becomes the most precious person in the whole world. Despite the passing years, we never forget the ones who did us these favors, and remember them fondly.

Imagine a person who has given you clothes to wear and means of transportation to ease your travel. Moreover, imagine that this person has provided you with medications and doctors that would treat your illness, and laid at your feet breathtakingly lovely gardens with flowers of all colors and birds of all kinds in them, and offer you the freshest fruits and most delicious meals. And imagine that all these do not merely last for a few days, but for a lifetime.

How would you thank the person who offered all of them to you? The One Who offers all of them and more to us every moment and Who created the earth and all living beings on it is the Almighty God. God reminds us in the Qur'an the fact that He created countless blessings for us thusly:

"If you tried to number God’s blessings, you could never count them. God is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’" (Surah an-Nahl, 18)

All sorts of food we eat and the soils that grow them, the Sun heating our world, animals we consume as nutrients, rains that bring blessings, crops stretching as far across the plains as eyes can see; all of these are blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Each of them are a gift from God so that we can show Him how much we love Him. Each of these blessings are a means for us to be eternally grateful to Him.

In return for myriad blessings He provided us, God only asks one thing in return, and it is for us to direct our love for Him in the sincerest manner, in other words, to thank him for the blessings He has granted us.  

It is He Who made the sea subservient to you so that you can eat fresh flesh from it and bring out from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships cleaving through it so that you can seek His bounty, and so that hopefully you will show thanks.  (Surah an-Nahl, 14)

Thankfulness is one of the greatest blessings God has ever bestowed upon us; the more we show our thanks to God, the more blessings we earn from God.

And when your Lord announced: "If you are grateful, I will certainly give you increase, but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is severe." (Surah Abraham, 7)

Throughout the month of Ramadan that we are in, by observing the prayer of fasting, preparing fast-breaking dinners for our loved ones and the Muslims in need, coming together with Muslims in tarawih prayers, we earn God's approval while drawing further away from satan's influence. The month of Ramadan is a sacred period that brings Muslims closer, strengthens the bonds of love and solidarity among them, and urges them to pay more heed to the voice of their consciences.

Adnan Oktar's piece in BERNAMA:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274928/another-ramadan-amidst-gratitude-andhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274928/another-ramadan-amidst-gratitude-andThu, 14 Jun 2018 12:38:30 +0300
Exposing the secret dictatorship

It imposes a political agenda and creates a situation of oppression wherein physical prowess is used to drive people towards atheism and turn them into selfish materialists who view this world as an arena of struggle. This is the dictatorship of Darwinism and the world doesn't even know that it exists.

For the last 150 years, our world has been suffering under the grip of an iron dictatorship. This dictatorship created suffering and gave rise to feelings of hatred and aggression.

However, it imposes a political agenda and creates a situation of oppression wherein physical prowess is used to drive people towards atheism and turn them into selfish materialists who view this world as an arena of struggle. This is the dictatorship of Darwinism and the world doesn’t even know that it exists.

It is fiercely promoted despite all the mounting evidence against it and constantly imposed on nations, on leaders, and on academics. Today, in almost every country, the indoctrination of evolution starts in elementary school and continues throughout one’s life.

People are forced to accept Darwinism by the sheer force of intimidation, propaganda and illusion. This is the only reason why no world leader today can express their objection to Darwinism or even the most religious countries teach their children evolution, although it essentially denies the existence of God.

This surprising imposition is due to one reason only: Darwin’s theory of evolution, which even Darwin himself had doubts about, was chosen as the so-called basis of materialism and since then, has been forced upon the people. As a result, generations have been indoctrinated into believing that evolution happened.

The Technics & Science Research Foundation, which has for decades showed a commendable stance against this harassment, has been organising international science conferences for the last three years. As a part of this commitment, scientists from around the world come together and explain why evolution is wrong and how it is consistently refuted by science.

In the latest conference, which was held on April 28, 2018 in the Fairmont Quasar Hotel in Istanbul, eight scientists used the latest scientific findings to show that science proved God’s existence. The first speaker, American biochemist Dr Fazale Rana, responded to the junk DNA fallacy of the evolutionary theory and explained that the recent Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project showed that there was no such thing as junk DNA and that DNA was a fantastic example of God’s creation.

Physicist Dr Bijan Nemati talked about the very creation of the Earth and how it was especially designed to accommodate life. He also showed that the Earth is protected meticulously in the universe, which is the only example we know of in the universe. American theologian Kenneth Keathley talked about the seven days of creation described in the Bible and explained why the new ‘Young Earth’ movement was wrong. American academician Anna Manja Larcher demonstrated that love and compassion could not be accounted for by evolutionary ideas. Dr David Snoke, a professor of Physics and Astronomy from the US explained how, despite their resistance, the scientific community is now clearly referring to the design visible in the nature and is carrying out their work based on the assumption that everything is intelligently designed.

Italian sociologist Fabrizio Fratus pushed back the idea that evolution was science and demonstrated that in truth, it was nothing but a mere ideology disguised as science. Turkish neurosurgeon Dr Oktar Babuna explained that the Quran pointed to creation and not evolution, while Austrian Professor Hans Köchler analysed monotheism and the meaning of co-existence.

This conference marked a turning point not only because it heralds the fall of the materialist dictatorship, but because it brought together people with different faiths and ethnicities for a good cause.

There is another reason why this scientific refusal of evolution by scientists was crucial: Dangerous and erroneous ideas like ‘life is a struggle’, ‘you have to be cruel to be successful’, ‘feel no compassion, you are an animal just like everyone else’ is the main reason behind the current culture of hatred that is wreaking havoc around the world. Even terrorism, one of the biggest problems in today’s world, is usually due to this hateful and selfish mentality.

A person who knows that he is created by God, like all others, and that humans are not animals, a person who appreciates the beauty of love, compassion and forgiveness, cannot possibly hurt anyone.

For these reasons, this was a historical meeting that made it clear that better days are ahead and we hope that it will be an example to for similar future events that will help save our world from the clutches of this dangerous and covert dictatorship.

Adnan Oktar's piece in The Pioneer:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274833/exposing-the-secret-dictatorshiphttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274833/exposing-the-secret-dictatorshipTue, 12 Jun 2018 19:50:25 +0300
Let Muslims make a Pledge to Unite this Ramadan

Many helpless Muslim women, babies, children and elderly are losing their lives only because Muslims have failed to unite under one grand alliance. In consideration of the fact that Islam is the religion of peace and brotherhood, we wish and expect the month of Ramadan we are in to bring about a period of enlightenment and prosperity similar to that of the Era of Welfare, in which all disagreements and hostilities are cast aside, all lovelessness, resentments, disputes and conflicts come to an end for good. It is our prayer that the Islamic civilization, which will establish the reign of peace and justice on earth and offer a beautiful life to both Muslims and non-Muslims, to flourish once again and illuminate the world with its light.

In the Qur’an, God commanded all Muslims to unite and to love and regard each other as brothers and sisters, to be compassionate, merciful and protective towards one another, and to strictly avoid separation and division.
Hold fast to the rope of God all together, and do not separate. Remember God’s blessing to you when you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of a pit of the Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way God makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be guided. (Surah Al’ Imran, 103)

“God loves those who fight in His Way in ranks like well-built walls.” (Surah as-Saff, 4)

As can be clearly understood from these verses – and from the Qur’an in general – it is an absolute religious duty of all Muslims to stand united, to be committed to one another in brotherly love and compassion, to become the guardians of one another, to protect and look after one another regardless of the circumstances, to wage an intellectual struggle against denial like well-built walls, to offer counsel to one another and to refrain from internal quarrels and disputes.

Displaying the opposite attitude, namely being divisive rather than unifying, failing to treat other Muslims with love and compassion, to be forgiving and protective towards them, and not waging an intellectual struggle against irreligion are explicitly unlawful deeds.

Muslims abiding by the commandment of God and fulfilling their religious duty of unification is the only way that will render the Islamic community powerful and stable. It is an obligation for Muslims to act together towards illuminating the whole world with the messages of love and peace commanded by Islam. Failing to fulfill this religious duty means separation and disarray among the Islamic community, which leaves the aggrieved Muslim nations vulnerable. In Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Patani, Moro and many other places, women, children and the elderly are helplessly in need of being saved from oppression. The responsibility of these helpless people rests, before all else, on the Islamic world. Muslims should always keep in mind our Prophet’s (saas) words,”A Muslim does not wrong another Muslim, nor does he hand him over to one who does him wrong,” and together, lead his brothers under oppression to salvation.

The Muslims of the world failing to establish unity is the primary shortcoming underlying all of the problems we see in the Islamic world today. In the case that a powerful union is established, it is clear that problems similar to those faced today will no longer be encountered, or even if they are, it will not take long before they are resolved.

The fact is that differences in views, opinions and practices may appear in every society. It is only natural that the Islamic world is also home to many different cultures, traditions and perspectives. What is truly important is to reach a pluralist solidarity around common faith despite all the differences. According to the Qur’an, Islamic moral values prescribes that Muslims are brothers regardless of their circumstances and conditions no matter their race, language, country, sect, or opinion; all Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Therefore, every difference in the Islamic world should be considered a wealth of culture and civilization rather than making them into issues that would result in disputes and separation among Muslims.

Islamic moral values promote unity, not separation. A Muslim community claiming superiority over another Muslim community and pursuing its own social interests rather than the common interest of all Muslims is a mentality that flies in the face of the Islamic moral values. For that reason, Muslim communities must cast aside all their disagreements and differences aside for the sake of the common benefit of Islam, keep in mind the fact that all Muslims have been joined by God in the bond of ‘brotherhood’, and act accordingly.

Muslims are the friendsand helpersof each other, the party of God who are obliged to dispense peace and justice on earth. Seeing each other in this light and cooperating with one another through love and affection is a religious responsibility laid upon all Muslims When Muslims achieve this unity without discriminating between denominations and sects, they will have fulfilled the commandment “Hold fast to the rope of God all together, and do not separate…” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 103) Muslims holding fast to one another and standing undivided will rapidly disperse the sedition and mischief clouding over the Islamic world.

Muslims’ power, strength and interests obviously lie in the unity of love entrenched in religion. Our Prophet (SAW) underlined the significance of unity among Muslims in one of his hadiths as follows:

“… Do not envy one another, and do not hate one another, and do not turn away from one another, but [rather] be servants of God and brothers [amongst yourselves].”

Without doubt, the Islamic world will become powerful only when it bands together and acts in concert. When the Islamic community is suffering in great misery and millions of oppressed Muslims are desperately awaiting salvation, the number one priority should be the elimination of the mischief of separation.
(IbnMajah, Volume 10, p. 32.)


Adnan Oktar's piece in Kashmir Reader:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274743/let-muslims-make-a-pledgehttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274743/let-muslims-make-a-pledgeSun, 10 Jun 2018 18:47:27 +0300
Prayers In Ramadan For Muslims' Salvation

As we are enthusiastically observing another month of Ramadan that enables us to become closer to God and show our unwavering love for Him, our brothers and sisters in faith who suffer oppression all across the world doubtlessly occupy our thoughts and prayers.

The aggrieved peoples of the Middle East are plagued with mischiefs and troubles under ruthless sieges and bombardments. Our brothers and sisters living in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Patani, Philippines, Crimea and many other places around the world suffer oppressions, genocides, massacres and tortures that intend to destroy them. For the salvation of all Muslims, it is crucial that unity and solidarity is established among Muslims.

It is impossible to erase from our memories the images of the innocent people slaughtered by bombs and machine guns, and the bodies of children lined up next to each other. In the month of Ramadan we currently observe, our thoughts and prayers are once again with our impoverished brothers and sisters, and we reiterate our intention to do everything in our power and more to facilitate the establishment of the Islamic Unity that is essential for their salvation.

Unity, solidarity, cooperation, friendship, altruism, assistance and other similar behaviors are the foundations of the Qur'anic moral values. Playing a unifying role between believers and encouraging them to protect one another is a pillar of faith and a moral behavior prescribed by God. No bad moral qualities such as resentment, ill-will and dispute should be condoned between believers, and the Qur'anic moral values should be taken basis in all affairs. Striving to remedy such situations and adopting a unifying and conciliatory attitude is a form of prayer commanded by God. God informs believers about this commandment of His in a verse as follows:

"The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have fear of God so that hopefully you will gain mercy." (Surah al-Hujurat, 10)

Moral, conscientious, honest and sincere believers are expected to always call each other to good, beauty, friendship and brotherhood and urge one another to unity and solidarity in accordance with the verses of the Quran. Furthermore, God informs Muslims about how He will grant mercy to those who follows His commandments and strive towards bringing about unity and solidarity among Muslims, and gives them the good news of a wonderful life in both this world and the hereafter. In another verse, God reminds believers how quarreling among themselves will cause Muslims to lose heart and become weak.

Obey God and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. God is with the steadfast.  (Surah al-Anfal, 46)

When the people who practice the Islamic moral values stand united, it leads to a loving, peaceful, tolerant and tranquil environment in society. And the societies that possess these qualities are always powerful. Conducing towards the material and spiritual development of the society is an endeavor that will be definitely approved by God.

Believers are obliged under all circumstances to forbid people to do what is wrong, command them to do what is right, urge them to display nice behavior and make effort in these regards. Just as they are duty-bound to resolve any issues between other fellow Muslims in a friendly manner, they are also duty-bound to assume a consolidating role in the case of any issues between two Muslim communities and to commend them to unity, solidarity, love, peace and brotherhood. This reconciliatory behavior is a major requirement of guardianship. God commands those who believe thusly:

"The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have fear of God so that hopefully you will gain mercy." (Surah al-Hujurat, 10)

And in his hadiths, our Prophet (saas) addresses this subject as follows:

"Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world, God will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter.  Whosoever alleviates the difficulties of a needy person who cannot pay his debt, God will alleviate his difficulties in both this world and the Hereafter.  Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, God will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter."[1]

“He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, God would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection."[2]

He who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, God would conceal his faults in the world and in the Hereafter. God is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother."[3]

"No people gather together in one of the houses of God, reciting the Book of God and studying it among themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, mercy covers them, the angels surround them, and God makes mention of them amongst those who are in His presence.”[4]

"Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful.  Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.”[5]

May our Almighty Lord accept our prayers and grant tranquility and salvation to all our aggrieved brothers and sisters, whom we do not forget for a moment even when we observe and break our fast with a burning love of God in our hearts.


[1] M6578, Muslim, Birr; T1426, Tirmidhi, Hudud 3.

[2] Muslim, Zikr 38; Ibn Majah,, Muqaddimah 17. 

[3] Muslim, Zikr 38; Ibn Majah,, Muqaddimah 17. 

[4] Muslim, Zikr 38; Abu Dawood, Vitr 14; Tirmidhi, Qira'at 12; Ibn Majah, Muqaddimah 17.

[5]  Abu Dawood, Adhab 58; Tirmidhi, Birr 16.

Adnan Oktar's piece in BERNAMA (Malaysia):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274508/prayers-in-ramadan-for-muslimshttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274508/prayers-in-ramadan-for-muslimsMon, 04 Jun 2018 15:53:49 +0300
A spirit of interfaith solidarity

Ramadan is not only a month for spiritual awakening that sees Muslims reaffirming and expressing their love for God through fasting, but also a month where people with different faiths, opinions, languages and ethnicities come together and bond in an exemplary show of solidarity and peace. For this reason, it is important that during Ramadan, past resentments are forgotten, people with different views embrace each other, and representatives of different faiths stand together in solidarity. Ramadan is the month of peace and it should be a time when hostilities cease and nations that harbor grudges against one another set aside their resentments and make steps toward conciliation.

Sadly, some Muslims seem to have forgotten this important and beautiful aspect of Ramadan. They don't seem to understand that just like fasting, reinforcing brotherhood and making peace are religious duties as well. They pay too much heed to the noise of warmongers and can't see that what God really wants is peace and that Ramadan is intended to be a means to that.

In order to help build this perspective and to show the true meaning of Ramadan, A9 TV's annual iftar meal took place on May 24, 2018 at Çırağan Palace in Istanbul. Nearly 1,000 Turkish and international guests, all respectable members of their circles, including Jewish rabbis and Christian priests, the esteemed members of the Turkish Christian and Jewish communities as well as representatives of various Muslim religious orders attended the iftar.

Among the guests of the A9 TV iftar dinner there were also esteemed names from a wide variety of political parties, high-ranking bureaucrats, as well as intellectuals of differing opinions who would generally abstain from meeting with each other because of their opposing views. A prayer was recited in both Arabic and Turkish during the iftar, expressing our desire for peace and deep love among people. This was also noteworthy - and unprecedented - due to its being a Muslim supplication to God for good wishes and blessings for both Jews and Christians.

Our guests from Israel, rabbis and politicians, had appeared on A9 TV's live night program the day before the iftar and made very important and meaningful statements. Rabbi Abraham Sherman, who served in the Israel Supreme Rabbinical Court for 32 years, made a very inspiring speech, concluding with a wish "to build a new world without fights, without bloodshed, without murder." Rabbi Ben Abrahamson, historian and consultant to the Jerusalem Rabbinical Courts on matters concerning Islam, pointed to the commonalities between our faiths and said, "The word 'maamin' doesn't just mean somebody who believes in God but also somebody who is reliable, who is trustworthy and credible. … We are looking now to join together with trustworthy people so we can help to build a solution for what we are now facing."

In her speech, Rebecca Abrahamson, co-director of Al-Sadiqin Institute, emphasized the harmony in which Jews and Muslims are supposed to live and gave some examples from Haram al-Sharif, the Temple Mount, and from Jewish and Islamic history, saying, "In Jewish sources that include non-Jews on the Temple Mount, in Psalm 135, we have the three circles of believers who would circumambulate around the holy of holies – the priests, the Israelites, and non-Jewish God-fearers. Non-Jews were included in the Temple Mount in ancient history. … Later, Islam also included non-Muslim believers. In fact, in the seventh century, Caliph Omar restored the Temple Mount to Jewish and Christian use and in the eight century, Caliph Abd al-Malik constructed the Dome of the Rock based on Ezekiel's prophecy. And the Arabic writings inside the Dome of the Rock are actually directed at worshippers from a Christian background."

Respected Palestinian and Jordanian sheikhs and imams, and Israeli rabbis and politicians who make sincere efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace also came to Turkey as our guests. To further solidify this effort, during the iftar, members of the three Abrahamic religions shared the same table and painted a true and exemplary portrait of friendship.

Our Palestinian and Jordanian guests emphasized that it was crucial to educate those who terrorize others in the name of Islam with the Quran, as opposed to superstitious and mistaken interpretations. All our guests reiterated that it was important to stay the course of peace and reconciliation. They kindly asked us to continue to be the pioneers in explaining the Quran's spirit of peace and finding a common denominator between Muslims, Christians and Jews.

The best response to those who seek to turn this holy month into a time of bloodshed would be to put forth the alliance of the good at every opportunity. For years, our iftar dinners have been boldly leading this alliance, showing the spirit of solidarity. These gatherings helped further conciliation between hostile communities, showing that the union of people of goodwill always wins and is entirely possible.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Israel Hayom (Israel):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274493/a-spirit-of-interfaith-solidarityhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274493/a-spirit-of-interfaith-solidarityMon, 04 Jun 2018 01:12:11 +0300
A month-long festival

It is almost miraclulous that despite changing times, advancing technology, shifting habits, disappearing traditions and newly emerging ones, in Bahrain, Ramadan is a beautiful, reassuring constant. Its warmth is unlike any other: people are simply better. Children are happier, adults are kinder, and the elderly are more respected. Friends seek each other with more vigour, and families spend more time together. It is almost as if in Ramadan, negativity takes a break.

Therefore, it is no wonder Ramadan feels like a month-long festival. During this time, people reconnect, brush aside any past resentments and begin a complete spiritual and physical makeover. They turn to themselves to correct their mistakes, their personality flaws, and governments work to make cities more beautiful while fasting bodies begin their own makeover and start a sturdy process of repair.

When Ramadan touches houses, a sweet exhilaration starts. After the first sahoor, which is a memorable experience in itself, the fasting begins. The household, whether at school or work, happily dream about the iftar feast while at home, mothers cook more happily dreaming about the content faces at the iftar table.

When Ramadan touches cities, they brighten up and shine with new vigour. Minarets lit up, colourful lanterns adorn the streets and mouthwatering smells of Ramadan breads and sweet desserts carry around amidst the greetings of “Ramadan Kareem”. Even streets feel safer, be it day or night. Local administrations work extra hard to clean the streets, and organise events for after-iftar hours and prepare free iftar tents for the hundreds who wish for a memorable feast. Even though traditions and festivities may slightly vary from one country to another, one thing in common is that they all add to the joy of Ramadan.

No doubt, Ramadan also offers incredible spiritual benefits to those who fast. Day-long fasting helps believers empathise better with the poor, which leads to heightened senses of compassion and altruism, not to mention more charity. Also as a part of the observation, Muslims focus on their characters, and try to overcome their shortcomings, like lack of patience, compassion or forgiveness. The frequent get-togethers with relatives and friends help them better appreciate the importance of human connection, no matter how pressing the daily hustle and bustle of life might be.

Needless to say, food is extra delicious during this month. In addition to Ramadan specialities, which are prepared exclusively during this month, food in this month, no matter where you go in the Islamic world, will definitely entice all taste buds. From refreshing juices, to mezze, from delicious salad selections to harees and spit-roast lambs to special Ramadan breads and famous Ramadan deserts like kunafa and mahalabiya, Ramadan iftars and sahoors turn into unforgettable delicious feasts.

Once again, Ramadan tents will be set up in Bahrain and Manama’s Old Market will be decorated in a way that befits the glory of Ramadan. Store owners have already decorated their stores and filled their shelves with Ramadan specials, while businesses prepared care packages for the poor.

Every single day in the month of Ramadan in Bahrain is a reason for joy and celebration. For Muslims, it is a beautiful opportunity to cure our souls, to reconnect with our loved ones and to take a much-needed break from the materialistic landscape of today’s world.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Gulf Daily News:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274490/a-month-long-festivalhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274490/a-month-long-festivalMon, 04 Jun 2018 01:01:02 +0300
Ramadan: The Month of Patience

People tend to be impatient if they do not use their mind, conscience and will. Usually, people seek to easily get what they want with little effort, solve a problem immediately, overcome a difficulty, and that the troubles would pass quickly. However, as a requirement of the trial on earth, sometimes things are not solved in such a short time. Sometimes, it may be necessary to work towards something for months, even years, and have patience for a very long period of time. For this reason, people should refrain from misconceptions like “It doesn’t work,” “I should give up making an effort.”

Patience means being less strict towards time. Believers know that patience overcomes all the difficulties they will face in the worldly life, and that it will lead them to the right path. For this reason, with great patience they become self-sacrificing, with patience they forgive people, and with patience they become generous. People who love God and believe in God with all their heart will improve themselves in many ways. One of the beauties of the month of Ramadan that we are in is that it enables people to improve themselves in terms of patience, both bodily and spiritually.

Our Prophet (saas) stated that the month of Ramadan is a month of patience in one of his hadiths, which is as follows:

“O People! There comes upon you now a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in worth than one thousand months. It is a month in which God has made compulsory that the fasting should be observed by day; and He has made the worship (tarawih) by night a sunnah. This is indeed the month of patience. And the reward for true patience is paradise. Ramadan is the month of sympathy with one’s fellowmen. It is the month wherein a true believer’s sustenance is increased. (Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahih, III, 191-192,) (Thk. M. M. A’zamî)

Patience is a great virtue, as our Prophet (SAW) remarks, and the month of Ramadan is a very valuable period of time where one can direct his will for this purpose without succumbing to the things we like and take for granted every day. The patience shown until the end of Ramadan will bring the comfort of surrendering to God. Ramadan is an opportunity, a way to train ourselves in spirit and body, to show our love and commitment for God.

Just like we know when the time comes for prayer and we perform it, being patient is also a worship. For this reason, a person who does not eat or drink when he is hungry or thirsty because he is fasting is actually fulfilling another beautiful manner of worship by having beautiful patience.

Whenever someone is being patient, he becomes closer to God and his commitment to God is strengthened. When someone shows patience for God’s favor, it also becomes a reason for happiness for him. Tolerance is people doing something to get it over with as soon as possible, to earn other people’s favors, and, indeed, is not the same kind of worship as patience is. A person who is in a state of mind to just tolerate something is not at peace. That is why it is important and valuable to be patient and not just tolerant during Ramadan as well. And this means that a Muslim displays good morals, speaks beautifully and always give priority to others even when he is hungry, thirsty and tired.

Adnan Oktar's piece in Kashmir Reader:


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274434/ramadan-the-month-of-patiencehttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274434/ramadan-the-month-of-patienceFri, 01 Jun 2018 23:48:37 +0300
The Sultan Of 11 Months, Welcome!

As we are enthusiastically observing another month of Ramadan that enables us to become closer to God and show our unwavering love for Him, our brothers and sisters in faith who suffer oppression all across the world doubtlessly occupy our thoughts and prayers.

The aggrieved peoples of the Middle East are plagued with mischiefs and troubles under ruthless sieges and bombardments. Our brothers and sisters living in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Patani, Philippines, Crimea and many other places around the world suffer oppressions, genocides, massacres and tortures that intend to destroy them. For the salvation of all Muslims, it is crucial that unity and solidarity is established among Muslims.

It is impossible to erase from our memories the images of the innocent people slaughtered by bombs and machine guns, and the bodies of children lined up next to each other. In the month of Ramadan we currently observe, our thoughts and prayers are once again with our impoverished brothers and sisters, and we reiterate our intention to do everything in our power and more to facilitate the establishment of the Islamic Unity that is essential for their salvation.

Unity, solidarity, cooperation, friendship, altruism, assistance and other similar behaviors are the foundations of the Qur'anic moral values. Playing a unifying role between believers and encouraging them to protect one another is a pillar of faith and a moral behavior prescribed by God. No bad moral qualities such as resentment, ill-will and dispute should be condoned between believers, and the Qur'anic moral values should be taken basis in all affairs. Striving to remedy such situations and adopting a unifying and conciliatory attitude is a form of prayer commanded by God. God informs believers about this commandment of His in a verse as follows:

"The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have fear of God so that hopefully you will gain mercy." (Surah al-Hujurat, 10)

Moral, conscientious, honest and sincere believers are expected to always call each other to good, beauty, friendship and brotherhood and urge one another to unity and solidarity in accordance with the verses of the Quran. Furthermore, God informs Muslims about how He will grant mercy to those who follows His commandments and strive towards bringing about unity and solidarity among Muslims, and gives them the good news of a wonderful life in both this world and the hereafter. In another verse, God reminds believers how quarreling among themselves will cause Muslims to lose heart and become weak.

Obey God and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. God is with the steadfast.  (Surah al-Anfal, 46)

When the people who practice the Islamic moral values stand united, it leads to a loving, peaceful, tolerant and tranquil environment in society. And the societies that possess these qualities are always powerful. Conducing towards the material and spiritual development of the society is an endeavor that will be definitely approved by God.

Believers are obliged under all circumstances to forbid people to do what is wrong, command them to do what is right, urge them to display nice behavior and make effort in these regards. Just as they are duty-bound to resolve any issues between other fellow Muslims in a friendly manner, they are also duty-bound to assume a consolidating role in the case of any issues between two Muslim communities and to commend them to unity, solidarity, love, peace and brotherhood. This reconciliatory behavior is a major requirement of guardianship. God commands those who believe thusly:

"The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have fear of God so that hopefully you will gain mercy." (Surah al-Hujurat, 10)

And in his hadiths, our Prophet (saas) addresses this subject as follows:

"Whosoever relieves from a believer some grief pertaining to this world, God will relieve from him some grief pertaining to the Hereafter.  Whosoever alleviates the difficulties of a needy person who cannot pay his debt, God will alleviate his difficulties in both this world and the Hereafter.  Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, God will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter."[1]

“He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, God would alleviate his suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection."[2]

He who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, God would conceal his faults in the world and in the Hereafter. God is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother."[3]

"No people gather together in one of the houses of God, reciting the Book of God and studying it among themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, mercy covers them, the angels surround them, and God makes mention of them amongst those who are in His presence.”[4]

"Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful.  Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.”[5]

May our Almighty Lord accept our prayers and grant tranquility and salvation to all our aggrieved brothers and sisters, whom we do not forget for a moment even when we observe and break our fast with a burning love of God in our hearts.


[1] M6578, Muslim, Birr; T1426, Tirmidhi, Hudud 3.

[2] Muslim, Zikr 38; Ibn Majah,, Muqaddimah 17. 

[3] Muslim, Zikr 38; Ibn Majah,, Muqaddimah 17. 

[4] Muslim, Zikr 38; Abu Dawood, Vitr 14; Tirmidhi, Qira'at 12; Ibn Majah, Muqaddimah 17.

[5]  Abu Dawood, Adhab 58; Tirmidhi, Birr 16.

Adnan Oktar's piece in BERNAMA (Malaysia):


http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274382/the-sultan-of-11-monthshttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274382/the-sultan-of-11-monthsFri, 01 Jun 2018 14:59:16 +0300
No other time like Ramadan

Once again Ramadan has graced our world, offering a very much-needed respite from an atmosphere of constant war, conflict and a persistent hate culture. With its sweet, comforting and peaceful embrace, no matter where it is celebrated around the world, Ramadan’s relaxing serenity helps anyone it touches, be they a Muslim or not.  When the month of Ramadan arrives, the exhaustion and tension of the past eleven months is washed away and replaced by an enveloping sense of calm, a return to the old world where elderly is shown respect, children compassion, where selflessness, love and friendship reign.

Our world constantly changes but Ramadan remains a reassuring constant, a time that is sure to be peaceful and happy no matter what difficulties might have preceded it. With its suhoor’s and iftar’s, in addition to the traditions that vary from one country to another, Ramadan brings life to people, to businesses, to the streets and offers light to an otherwise pessimistic world.

Ramadan starts in the ninth month of the Muslim year, and adult Muslims that are in good health are obligated to observe it through fasting. The fasting starts with the first suhoor, which is the last meal Muslims can eat before sunrise.

One shouldn’t think it difficult to get up in the night and eat, because once a person tastes the pleasure of eating suhoor, especially in good company or waking up to the nice smells of suhoor prepared by a fastidious mother, favoring sleep over suhoor is not even an option.

Most people prefer to eat lightly, like breakfast or rice and homemade fruit juice. In most cases, children beg until their parents yield and wake them up too for the suhoor feast.

And before the sun begins to rise, Muslims swallow the last of their bites and begin their day of spiritual and physical fasting.

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http://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274380/no-other-time-like-ramadanhttp://darkdangerbigotry.com/en/Articles/274380/no-other-time-like-ramadanFri, 01 Jun 2018 14:49:48 +0300