Bigotry: The Dark Danger

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The consensus reached by the scientists, academicians, university students, artists, politicians and members of non-governmental organizations that attended the conference as audience and speakers is that the theory of evolution has collapsed in the face of findings from such branches of science as paleontology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and anthropology, and how not one piece of scientific evidence actually supports the theory.

As mentioned by most of the speakers, the theory of evolution is supported not because there is any scientific evidence in its favor, but because it prepares an allegedly scientific framework for materialists to deny the existence of God. Darwinism is defended not with science, but with philosophy. Random events form the basis of this philosophy. the only explanation of the fact that millions of intelligent people, who have received perhaps the finest education in the world, should believe in such an irrational and unscientific theory is the “spell” that has lingered on since the nineteenth century.

As can be seen from speakers’ presentations, evolutionists do not really consider the meaning of what they say and claim. For them, the evidence and the real working of nature are not important. Their only aim is the defense of their ideology at whatever cost. This is why they defend their irrational claims, which violate all known experiments and observations, under a “scientific” mask.

Phillip E. Johnson, known for his books criticizing the theory of evolution, says in his book Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds that evolutionists believe in a preconception without ever thinking about the claims of Darwinism or weighing up what these claims really imply:

My experience speaking and debating on this topic at universities has taught me that scientists, and professors in general, are often confused about evolution. They may know a lot of details, but they don’t understand the basics. the professors typically think that evolution from molecule to man is a single process that can be illustrated by dog breeding or finch-beak variations, that fossil evidence confirms the Darwinian process of step-by-step change, that monkeys can type Hamlet if they are aided by a mechanism akin to natural selection.1

In his book Evolution: ATheory in Crisis, Michael Denton describes the oddness of a Darwinist’s belief that the superior and complex systems in living things could be the work of random processes:

To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programs of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of 1,000 volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying, and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist, the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt—the paradigm takes precedence.

Someone who believes that the cell—an organism as complex as the city of New York—emerged as the result of inanimate substances randomly coming together, that human intelligence is the result of mutations, and that the world was suddenly filled with 100 different phyla as the result of coincidences must genuinely be under a spell. This spell leads those under its power to an “affront to reason.”2

Others are spellbound by people bearing the title of “scientist,” or by institutions called “Academies of Sciences.” Such people adopt the logic that everything that scientists say is true, and they simply adopt their views without ever thinking about them. the way to break this spell, which has lain over mankind for approximately two centuries, is to reveal the faulty logic of the theory of evolution and to undermine it, both scientifically and philosophically.

In the present century, mankind has to a large extent been freed of this spell. the 2nd International Conference on the Origins of Life and the Universe aimed to diminish the effect of that spell still further, by revealing the invalidity of one of its major sources. and these conferences and joint efforts of various scientists and academicians will continue to lift this spell entirely. People will be amazed at the way they were held hostage by such a specious theory for two whole centuries.


  1. Philip E. Johnson, Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds., Intervarsity Press, 1997 p.11
  2. Michael Denton, Evolution: a Theory in Crisis, Adler & Adler, 1986, p. 351.


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