Bigotry: The Dark Danger

An artificial term: The Kurdish problem!

The PKK's Treachery and Oppression

An artificial term: The Kurdish problem!

The PKK terrorist organization is a project designed not to solve the problems of our Kurdish brothers but to establish a communist state and divide Turkey. The entire ideology of the PKK is based on communism. Communism has produced bloody episodes of violence in various regions of the world throughout the Twentieth Century. The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, North Korea ...

In this book, you will find all the details about the great danger residing in the Southeast of Turkey: the danger of a communist Kurdistan

Now, you can easily purchase the amazing book “The PKK's Treachery and Oppression” by Harun Yahya, published by Global Publishing.

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In this book you will find clear and true answers to many important and previously unanswered questions that you’ve always thought about.

Some of Mr. Adnan Oktar's comments in his program on the A9 TV will surprise you! The information exposed in this book contains clear, realistic and accurate statements. From a very sincere point of view, the most realistic solution suggestions are in this book...

Vital facts about the PKK: their irreligiousness, their hostility to the concepts of family and state, their method of achieving their goals through violence ...

The PKK is not a civilized organization that can be sympathized with or can be approached by saying "let's give up a bit of land and be done with it". It is a bloody terrorist organization composed of killers and its ultimate goal is to break up Turkey and create a giant communist state. If this organization achieves its goal, it will continue to terrorize everyone by spreading violence and bloodshed everywhere.

The fine details of the subject and strategic analyses you have never heard before are in this book: The PKK's Treachery and Oppression

The pawn in the deep powers' game on Middle East: The PKK...

The goal of the world’s deep powers is not to contribute to the Kurds’ struggle for existence, but to create a weak Middle East that can be easily divided and controlled. Once they achieve this goal, the first thing they will do is to get rid of the PKK.

However, all the games of the global deep state and the deep powers are destined to fail. How? Details are in this book.

Do not miss out on the new book, "The PKK's Treachery and Oppression ", published by Global Publishing. Call +90 444 444 1 to order. You can easily order from our website as well. Our website:


2018-02-25 23:03:23

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