Bigotry: The Dark Danger

What Darwinists claimed, what happened

Piltdown Man:
What Darwinists said:

Darwinists said it was the greatest evidence of the imaginary evolution of man. It was displayed in British Museum for 40 years as the ancestor of man.

What Happened:
Piltdown man turned out to be the greatest paleontological hoax in history. The hoax find consisted of fragments of a 500 year-old orangutan jawbone mounted on a human skull of today. The teeth were rasped and the skull was worn out by potassium dichromate.

Nebraska Man
What Darwinists said:

Darwinists claimed it was the imaginary ape ancestor of man and made illustrations of Nebraska man and its entire family.

What Happened:

It turned out to be that what they called the Nebraska man consisted of only the tooth of a peccary, an extinct animal similar to (and closely related to) pigs.

What Darwinists said:

Darwinists said it was an extinct transitional form from sea to land with lungs and feet that were about to form.

What Happened:

Living Coelacanths are caught various times in our day. What they called the lung was understood to be an oil sac while the so-called feet were fins. It was understood that it was a deep-sea fish which could not survive in shallow waters.

What Darwinists said:

It was claimed to be one of the earliest so-called ape ancestors of man.

What Happened:
The examinations on the fossil revealed that, all its features, including its gait, were peculiar to chimpanzees, certifying that Lucy was a chimpanzee.

What Darwinists said:

95 percent of its fossil remains are preserved intact, revealing that it is an utter lemur. Darwinists declared to be the “ancestor of man” since it had bendable thumb and nails.

What Happened:
It was understood that bendable thumb and nails were features peculiar to primates and that the fossil in question was an extinct lemur. Darwinist scientists described the depiction of this fossil as an evidence for the evolution of man as “buffoonery”, “media circus”, “a source of shame”, “nonsense” and “a stalemate for evolution”.

Haeckel’s Embryo Drawings:
What Darwinists said:

Looking at Haeckel’s drawings, Darwinists claimed that in the  development stages of human in mother’s womb, there exists a so-called evolution from frog to human embryo, and that a similar evolution is experienced among species.

What Happened:
It was understood that Haeckel’s embryo drawings were fake, and that he deliberately displayed different living beings’ embryo drawings as human embryo. Haeckel confessed his forgery as follows:

After this compromising confession of "forgery" I should be obliged to consider myself condemned and annihilated if I had not the consolation of seeing side by side with me in the prisoner's dock hundreds of fellow-culprits, among them many of the most trusted observers and most esteemed biologists. The great majority of all the diagrams in the best biological textbooks, treatises and journals would incur in the same degree the charge of "forgery," for all of them are inexact, and are more or less doctored, schematised and constructed (Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, New York: Ticknor and Fields 1982, p.204)

Horse Series:
What Darwinists said:

Darwinists claimed that 50 million years ago horse of our day descended from a four–nailed living being the size of a fox. To verify this claim, they, in their own way, formed a sequence of extinct living beings that had by no means any interspecies connection. They formed the horse series by aligning short-to-tall living beings with decreasing nail-numbers.

What Happened:

Due to the recently uncovered fossils the horse series were amended many times. At last it appeared that horse series were a hoax made up of living beings with different nail numbers dating back to different dates. With the discovery of a 47 million-year-old horse skull the hoax was revealed. 

What Darwinists said:

Darwinists claimed that Archaeopteryx is a transitional form from dinosaurs to birds since the fossil has nails on its claws and teeth in its mouth.

What Happened:

As Science and many Darwinists confessed, it emerged that the Archaeopteryx is a bird with perfect flying abilities. Besides, perfect bird fossils that lived in the same period with Archeaopteryx were also uncovered. Liaoningornis and Confuciusornis, are perfect birds that lived in the same period with Archaeopteryx.

Industrial Melanism
What Darwinists said:

Darwinists claimed that around the onset of the Industrial revolution in England, the light-colored peppered moths on the barks of the trees that had darkened were hunted by birds, that dark-colored peppered moths were selected by natural selection, which provides an evidence for evolution.

What Happened:
When it became clear that during the daylight peppered moths never came out and settled on barks but hid in the unseen interior parts of the trees some examinations were conducted. These examinations revealed that dark-colored peppered moths were placed on tree-barks by H.B.D. Kettlewell, a Darwinist biologist.

Homo floresiensis:
What Darwinists said:

It was claimed that the bones uncovered in Indonesia belonged to a different type of human beings.

What Happened:
It turned out that these remains belonged to a human being with a microcephaly, a disease that causes small brain sizes.

What Darwinists said:

Darwinists claimed that Neanderthals were a more primitive human race.

What Happened:

It is proved today that Neanderthals were no different from human beings of today. They had the same life, intelligence, language and civilization.
2009-08-29 03:08:24

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