Bigotry: The Dark Danger

Islam and the Trap of Bigotry

Modernizm-Ötesi İslam ve Bağnazlık Tuzağı

In recent times, the topics ‘modern Islam’ and ‘Islam and modernism’ have been frequently discussed in the Islamic world. When people examine them more closely, it becomes very apparent that Islam, both historically and in the future, presents us with an understanding of the most modern way of life and the perfect social model for all people. However, at this point it is useful to clarify what the expression ‘modern Islam’ really means, which is often misunderstood or distorted by some people.

Huffington Post daily newspaper published in USA, published Harun Yahya’s article “Islam and the Trap of Bigotry” on August 18th  2017.

2017-08-20 23:04:12

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