Bigotry: The Dark Danger

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be broad and majestic

  • Abdulmalik Isami: A well-known historian domiciled in Mecca. In his four-volume work the "Simt al-Nujum al- Awali" he writes: "... HE [HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)] WILL BE A TEMPERATE YOUNG MAN with an attractive face and hair, a small nose and A BROAD FACE."
    (Simt al-Nujum al-Awali, Vol. 4, p. 138) (Hz. Mahdi Aleyhisselam, Abdullah Turan, Al-i Taha, p. 157)

  • “The Mahdi is descended from me. HIS BROW WILL BE BROAD..” (Abu Dawud. 4285)
  • His BROW WILL BE BROAD, and his nose fine. (Tirmidhi, Great Hadith Collection, Rudani Vol. 5, p. 365)
  • He will have a broad brow and a small nose... (Muhammad ibn Rasul Al-Huseyn Al Barzanci, "Portents of Doomsday")
  • The Mahdi is descended from me… HE HAS A CLEAR BROW. (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat Mahdiy al-Ahir Zaman, p. 21)
  • HE HAS A CLEAR BROW. (Mar’iy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdisi Fara Idu Fawaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar")
  • ... Abu’l Jarud says: Asked “HOW WILL THE IMAM (HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) BE KNOWN?” Imam Muhammad Bakir said:

    BY HIS GUIDANCE AND MAJESTY, AND BY MUHAMMAD (SAAS)’S DECLARATION OF HIS (HZ. MAHDI (AS) VIRTUES.” (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Nomani, Gaybet al-Numani, P. 284)

  • Haris ibn Mugayra al-Nasri says: Asked “HOW WILL THE IMAM [HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)] BE KNOWN?” Imam Jafari Sadik said: “BY HIS MAJESTY AND GRANDEUR…” (Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Nomani, Gaybet al-Numani, p. 283)


  • Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be like the People of Israel. (His behavior will resemble theirs; it will be MAJESTIC and intelligent.) (Kitab al-Burhan Fi Alamat al-Mahdiy al-Ahir Zaman, pp. 23-30)
  • He is majestic…with a (broad) brow. (Iqdud durar)
  • Hazrat Mahdi’s (as) body is an Israeli one. Hazrat Mahdi (as) resembles the People of Israel. (The People of Israel have a broad and majestic physique.) (Ibn Hajar Al Makki)
  • His stomach is large... (Mariy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdisi Fara Idu Fawaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
  • There is a gap between his thighs... (Mariy ibn Yusuf ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Makdisi Fara Idu Fawaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar”)
  • He has a large trunk... (Al-Uqayli "An-Najm al-saqib fi Bayan Anna al-Mahdi min Awladi Ali Ibn Abi Talib Ale't-Temam wa al-qamal”)
  • He resembles the People of Israel (in external appearance.) (Al-Uqayli "An-Najm al-saqib fi Bayan Anna al-Mahdi min Awladi Ali Ibn Abi Talib Ale't-Temam wa al-qamal”)

2010-03-03 12:44:35

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