Bigotry: The Dark Danger

Upon Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Call The Turkish Red Crescent Went To The Aid Of Egypt

What He Said?What Happened?

July 30th, 2013: A9 TV

DİDEM ÜRER: A few days ago you initiated the hashtag “KızılayMısıra” [RedCressenttoEgypt]. In a very short while, thousands of people supported this hashtag. Upon this the Turkish Red Crescent announced that they have arrived in Egypt to provide aid, masha’Allah.

ADNAN OKTAR: God heeds our prayers, we started it that night. Almighty God heeds our prayers. It remained at the top for 4 to 5 hours. Whenever we start such a work, it always remains at the top. 

Mr. Adnan Oktar initiated the hashtags and called on the Turkish Red Crescent and International Red Cross to go to Egypt to help. The hashtags are:







August 1st, 2013: Sonyorum Haber

During the incidents which took place on the morning of June the 27th, 200 people lost their lives and 4,500 people were injured, when  law enforcement in Cairo opened fire on anti-coup protestors. It was reported that  law enforcement closed the streets opening onto the Squares to prevent the injured from being taken to  hospitals and used tear gas to close the exits. Thousands of wounded faced the risk of death as they could not gain access to medical materials and treatment, and they are still waiting for help.

Upon these incidents, Mr. Adnan Oktar initiated the hashtags and called on the Turkish Red Crescent and International Red Cross to go to Egypt to help. The hashtags are:



These hashtags became TT and remained there for a few hours on Turkish and world lists. 


2013-08-06 02:08:04

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