Bigotry: The Dark Danger

The credit rating of Spain dropped two notches; The Matador is in trouble

Zaman /  April 28th, 2012

Spain,  well-known for bullfighting and football, is now struggling with the economic crisis. The country, in which unemployment increased to 24.4% in the first quarter, received more bad news from Standard & Poor's this time. The international credit ratings service has announced that it has downgraded the credit rating of Spain from "A" to "BBB+".  This will increase the country's cost of borrowing even further.


Çay TV, 4 MARCH 4th, 2009

Adnan Oktar: Right in the beginning of this economic crisis, I said, "This will take seven years and IT WILL INTENSIFY GRADUALLY." I said, "There will be a significant famine in the World, as well" and I said, " Serious precautions should be taken, preparations should be done from now on"  and I said the only solution is the Turkish Islamic Union.  Apart from that, the world would be devastated; let me state it explicitly, it would become miserable. I mean it would turn into a famine that the like of which has not been seen in the history of the world. The only solution is the Turkish-Islamic Union. With its richness, with its beauty, its tranquility, things will turn the other way round. There is no need to wait until the end of it. Look the countries are going bankrupt right now, many countries have started to go bankrupt. Now things like that started to happen, I for instance, never used to hear such things before. I said companies will go bankrupt, but I've never heard of entire countries going bankrupt, the economies of countries started going bankrupt. Every single day we hear more news and great companies are going bankrupt. I keep saying again and again that the solution for  Turkey being saved from this scourge is the Turkish Islamic Union and our clinging tight to spirituality and our protecting and watching over each other, our feeling compassion and mercy for those in need. Hoarding goods and money is also a triggering force for this scourge. Using  possessions, distributing goods, distributing money and setting money in motion is needed. But of course that is a matter of spiritual decency. It is a matter of enthusiasm, a matter of excitement, a matter of love, insha'Allah, we will have all those.

Kanal 35,  March 21st, 2009

Adnan Oktar: I've said it, I said that this crisis, which is like the flood of Noah, will continue until the end of the year 2014. I've said that the economic crisis will continue in cascades, swallowing everything in front of it. They've said, "No, everything will be fixed in a year." And I said, "No, that is not the case, it will take seven years." Look, what I've said has proven to be true. And it will continue by sweeping away all the big industries, all the famous well-known  companies before it, by collapsing the economies of such countries. And only the Turkish Islamic Union will save the world, let me say that much.


2013-02-08 22:09:45

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